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Three weeks later Kara was able to be released from the hospital. Lena had already used some of her money to get a place for them to live and was now standing in the hospital room learning how to take care of her 'fiancé'. "And make sure when she showers she cleans this area good, then reapply the bandages once the area is dried. Her ribs may still be sore for a while yet but that's because they're healing still. And make sure her head bandages are re done after showers too. No physical activity for another several months, that includes working or cooking."  The doctor explained. Lena and Kara nodded along taking notes.

"Do you have any questions for us?" The doctor asked. Kara looked at Lena for a second. "Not that I can think of. Lee do you have any questions?" Kara asked. "No. But if any come up, I'll be sure to call." Lena stated with a smile. "Ok! Kara are you ready to go home?" The nurse asked. "Yes!" Kara exclaimed happily. "Ok! I'll send for the orderlies then. Miss Luthor you can go get your car." The nurse stated. Lena waited till she left the room. "Kara, I'll be right back, ok. The orderlies are professionals so they won't do anything. I'll meet you in the parking garage. I promise." Lena explained.

Kara looked up at her. "Ok Lee! I'll see you in a few minutes. You parked in the parking garage right? Level 1?" Kara asked. "Yes darling. And you've seen my car enough to know what it looks like, but you have your phone so you can text me if you need me." Lena stated. Kara nodded with a smile. Lena gave her a quick chaste kiss on her cheek before grabbing their bags and walking to her car.

A few minutes later Kara came into view just as Lena pulled up. Lena helped get her into the passenger seat and buckle her in before thanking the orderlies. "Ready?" Lena asked as she started the car. "Yes!" Kara replied with a smile before reaching over and taking Lena's free hand in her own.

A few minutes later they pulled up to a tall building and drove into the parking garage. "Lee? This place looks really expensive...how can we afford this?" Kara asked. "Don't worry about it Kara, I took care of everything." Lena replied with a smile as they parked the car. Lena got out getting the bags before helping Kara out. "Hold on to me, it's just a short walk to our lift." Lena stated. Only pausing to punch in a security code before getting on the lift together. "Lee...what did you do?" Kara asked looking at the other woman. "What do you mean? I just got us a place to live." Lena replied as the elevator dinged again opening to a very posh looking penthouse. "Lena! This is well over our budget!" Kara cried out. Lena dropped the bags on the floor and quickly wrapped Kara up in her arms. "Kara listen to me. After I got ahold of your family I called my parents and told them what had happened to you. They told me that they would handle the legal stuff and let you use our lawyer to represent you, then my parents told me to dip into my trust fund and get us a place with top level security so we'd both feel safer. So I bought this penthouse. It has several spare rooms so Alex, Sam, Maggie, and Eliza can stay with us anytime along with my family." Lena explained.

Kara looked at her for a moment before bursting into tears. "Hey now...no need to cry darling. Do you remember what I said to you in the hospital?" Lena asked softly. "Ye...yea...you said you'd be with me forever. That you'd never leave my side again...but Lee...this is too much! We're just starting a new relationship...goodness Lena..I love you...you're way too good to me." Kara whispered. "I love you too darling, and you deserve the world. So come on let me get you settled on the sofa here and I'll go toss our clothes in the washer and start some supper. Eliza and my mom went to the store earlier today and stocked our kitchen. Now....sit...relax, watch some Netflix. I'll be right back." Lena whispered as she kissed the blondes cheek before gathering the bags and walking off.

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