Chapter 81

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Damon's POV

Ivanna is now pushing with all her might to deliver our first born. The doctor and the nurses are encouraging her to push more and more as she's screaming in pain. Her forehead is sweating so much as I'm on her side holding her hands wiping her forehead and being positive.

My heart is beating so fast as I'm scared of what might happen to her and our baby. I can't even bear to see her in pain but I have to endure even though it hurts me what my wife is going through right now.

"More push, Mrs. Eros!" Said the doctor as Ivanna was catching her breath and gave another push. "You can do it, Hon... hang in there, I'm here for you, our baby is gonna be blessed with such a great mom." I said in her ears as she's nodding hearing my words whilst her eyes were close, blowing her mouth.

"You're doing a great job! Give us your best! Push harder!" The doctor said, "I love you, Hon." I said before Ivanna had given all her strength.


Then suddenly, I heard the loud cry that every parent should hear when being in a delivery room. "Congratulations, you guys have a healthy baby boy." Said the doctor as I immediately looked at him. "We've made it." Ivanna said as she cried trying to look at our baby.

They gave her our son to have a skin to skin contact when the doctor asked me, "Mr. Eros, would you mind cutting your baby boy's umbilical cord?" I looked at Ivanna and she nodded her head. "N-no problem." Oh god, my heart just stopped breathing, I can't even hear anything but only the loud cry of my son.

I can't even hear the doctor's instructions on where to cut. I just saw what she pointed and I just... slit it. My son is looking perfectly healthy as he is covered in a blanket.

"Thank you for making me a Dad." I said as we're both mesmerized with our son. "No, thank you for making me a mom." She then said as I gave her a kiss.

My world is now complete.

Meanwhile outside the delivery room* "There he is... how is Ivanna and the baby?" Asked Aunt Antonio as they were all waiting for the big news. "They're both great, Ivanna did great delivery of our healthy son." I said as they all had relief in their faces.

"Congratulations, you're now officially a dad." Said Theo as he hugged his best friend. Minutes after, we went to our private room and everyone took a peak and was so excited and happy. After being with us they decided to go home and come back tomorrow so that we can rest too as it's getting late.

I took a shower whilst Ivanna was breastfeeding our son. I didn't put a shirt on when he handed me our newborn. At first I was hesitant to hold him because I've never held a small creature before, fearing I might hurt him.

"You'll be alright." Said Ivanna as I held him in my arms. I sat on the sofa chair next to her and leaned on my back... placing him in my chest giving him a dad and son skin to skin.

I can't believe we've made this small little human, it's so fragile I feel like I could hurt him if I give a little force holding him. "He's so little." I whispered looking at him sleeping so peacefully.

Ivanna chuckles as I continue admiring our bundle of joy.

You have my heart, jellybean. I've never felt this kind of love before, well except the love I have from your mommy. You and your mommy are the only ones who made me feel this love and you are also the only ones who built and fixed me to become a better man

I've always wanted to be a dad and now I am officially one. From being a ruthless mafia boss to be a responsible dad real quick. I promised you that I'll teach you to be a gentleman, I'll teach you what I know that will be great for you

I'll always give you the love you want, the attention you want and I promised you that you'll be loved by everyone and you'll be protected from everyone who wants to hurt you. I want to see you grow up and have your own family like your mommy and I. I hope you grow up god-fearing, respectful, down to earth, strong, and loving. Don't grow up with many enemies who want to hurt you, don't grow up in a chaotic world either

I hope you will still be sweet to us even though you are at the right age already. I know we are not perfect but I promise you that we'll always be here by your side protecting you, taking care of you until you don't need us anymore

I just want you to grow up stronger like a lion like your mommy, fighting for what's right for you like me. Ora sei la nostra priorità numero uno, figlio mio. Grazie per esserti unito a noi in questo mondo.

I placed a kiss on his tiny forehead and looked at Ivanna who was staring at us.

She raised her hand to hold me as I held her hand tightly... smiling to each other.

"I love you." I said as her eyes sparkled. "I love you more. Our world is now complete and filled with love." She said as I just stared at her with pure happiness.

"It is and I can't thank you and god enough for these blessings." I said and looked at our jellybean who's cooing and moving in my chest.

"Have a rest, Hon. I'll wake you tomorrow." I said as I'm enchanted the whole night.

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