Chapter 82

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Days have passed, weeks have passed, months have passed, and so have years passed... They overcame the wakefulness and tiredness of their son's daily crying and as time went on they got used to their routine and soon their son was growing fast.

The Eros family was filled with great love and happiness in their everyday lives. At the end of their love story or let's say... Ivana and Damon's journey, and the disappearance of the plague in their lives... ahem ahem... Brian Huxley.

Ivana and her family had a sigh of freedom and relief because they knew that no one could hurt them anymore. Brian's parents had been arrested and sentenced to life in prison because of the crimes they committed and now they will pay for their mistakes. Their company has gone bankrupt and the Huxley name and their reputation that was protected has been ruined.

And in public, Ivanna could no longer hide their first born and introduced her son to everyone. Many were happy and sending love to her and many are still asking who is the father? When will Ivanna show her husband in public?

Ivanna also said only one thing to the people and that is, "I'm not planning on revealing my husband to the public because I don't want anyone to ruin his privacy and to overcrowd him plus it's also what he wants. But who knows, maybe one day I'll show him to everyone."

They respected the decision of the two and Ivanna was grateful for her continued support. Ivanna is still continuing to be a professional model, there are still many opportunities coming her way.

And Damon has grown his companies even more and he is all focused on being a Businessman again. William and Theo have also built their own businesses in different countries.

The three are a little less focused on the mafia stuff but they are still a part and they still have a role to play as a professional well trained Mafia.

Their parents, the Eros's, the De Luca's, and the Nikolaevs are happily on vacation and making the most of all their hard work and they are now retired. All their possessions, all their wealth, all their legacies have gone to their children.

Ivana's mom, Luna Hayes, is still working and it turns out she has one year before her retirement. Sometimes she takes care of his grandson and sometimes she visits the grave of his deceased husband and tells the story of what happened to her.

Antonio Dante, the best friend of Ivanna's mother and her manager, continues to succeed in her fashion designs and fashion shows. He is also with his friends Carlo Bianchi and Giulio Leto and they are happily working.

All their trials and tribulations they all overcame. From beginning to end. And now they gathered with their family and friends to celebrate the second birthday party of their firstborn in Lake Como, Italy.

Tanti auguri a te, tanti auguri, tanti auguri, tanti auguri a te!

"Blow your cake baby." Said Ivanna as they were clapping their hands.

"Yay..." they said. "Happy birthday, my baby boy. I can't believe you're already two years old." His mom said as she gave him a kiss. "С Днем Рождения, сын. Папа и мама всегда тебя любят." Said Damon as he kissed his precious son. And yes their son is multilingual.

"Grazie mamma e papà, nonna, nonno, zio, zie per questo giorno speciale. Ti amo." He responded as they all hugged and greeted him.

"Alright come on, let's go open your birthday gifts." My mom said and as far as I remember I was holding both their warm soft hands as we walked to the area where all my presents were.

And that was twenty seven years ago, since we celebrated my second birthday. Best memories: years of many great childhoods I had with them. And now I'm a grown adult man.

Businessman, business owner, a son, a brother to my younger siblings, a mafia boss, and heir to the Eros and Hayes Legacy. I'm Ezra Clyde Eros, the firstborn of Ivanna and Damon Eros.

We're now signing off...

"Wild City" has now been completed! My first work, my first story I've ever written on Wattpad has come to an end. Merci beaucoup for reading and for continuing to read this story, even though I have so many bad grammars or not good written works. ˃̵ᴗ˂̵

Don't worry I'll try to improve my writing next time on my next story. Stay tuned! I'm closed on publishing my second book! Again, thank you so much for reading! (Hope y'all read every chapter to understand the story )

Chapter closed....

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