Chapter 2

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Miyu had felt uncomfortable the whole day. Not only because of the class photo, but also because of her whole class. No one else had spoken a word to her. Not the girls and not the boys who were in the other building.

During the breaks, Miyu kept to herself. Since no one wanted to be friends with her anyway, she hadn't bothered to make any friends. Actually, Miyu only had to stick it out for a few years, if she could manage it at all.

This uneasy feeling had become a part of her since her first day at school. The comments were clear. Especially from the girls, who were much better looking than she was.

"Have you seen him?" "Yeah, he looks really good." said some girls in front of the school building that Miyu had just left. They were talking about a boy who was in the same year as her.

He had been one of the most popular students right from the start. But not only him. There were some boys who were very good-looking. Miyu would never dare to approach someone like that anyway. She wasn't good enough for such good-looking guys.

But Miyu had to admit that many of her peers were good-looking. But so did the older students she had seen during the breaks. However, no one had noticed them.

The girls who had an interest in them ran after them. They giggled quietly and tried to get every bit of attention, which was always doomed to failure.

"Do you think he plays volleyball as well as the others on the team?" Miyu heard someone ask. From his stature, it could be true. But Miyu was hardly interested in volleyball. However, her older brother played volleyball and talked about it from time to time.

Playing it herself was out of the question for Miyu. She had other interests that she wanted to pursue. And unfortunately, there was no room for sport.

Her eyes turned to the handsome boy who was surrounded by girls. There were other boys next to him, who were probably his friends.

Once again, Miyu felt extremely uncomfortable. Not even in her dreams would she be smiled at like those girls there. She would never be so lucky as to be noticed by someone good-looking. Miyu would never be able to keep up with the other girls who had such beautiful faces.

She bit her lip lightly. To think that things could get better would be foolish. Not wanting to delve further into her feelings and make it even harder on herself, Miyu simply walked further away from the building so she could go home.

To where she felt comfortable and no one but her family had to see her face.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now