Chapter 20

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Troll, orc, ugly. Words that Miyu kept going over in her head and that had made her feel worse and worse. Only a few hours ago, Koji had rejected her with these harsh words and made her feel like nothing. Miyu had actually believed that there might be one person who would accept her. But that wasn't the case. Everyone at school thought she was ugly, ignored her and insulted her.

The middle school student didn't want to go home. In her condition, she would receive thousands of questions from her family. And Miyu didn't feel like that at all, nor did she have the strength.

She had spent the whole afternoon thinking about what she could do. How she could change so that the students would like her. But Miyu kept coming back to the same conclusion. She was too ugly.

It was difficult for the girl to continue going to school. She even found it hard to get out of bed. She did it just for her family, so that they wouldn't worry. But if things went on like this, Miyu would be found out and she didn't want that.

For that reason alone, Miyu ended up at a bridge that stood high above the water. She didn't know exactly why she was here. But the feeling of despair came up, which could end her here.

Her heart felt incredibly heavy. She didn't even wipe away the tears that came to her eyes. No one could see her here anyway. And if they did, they didn't care.

Tsukishima exhaled softly, not knowing any way out. What she could do wouldn't work anyway, because her family would be against it. Actually, Miyu could only end her suffering with a single jump. Leaving was perhaps the best thing for everyone.

But it wouldn't even come to that. For just as Miyu had decided to jump, she felt a hand in hers, causing her head to slowly turn to the side.

As always, her face was hidden behind her hair. Only her eyes were visible, from which the tears continued to flow. In front of her stood a woman who looked at her with a gentle gaze. No words were needed to realize that a jump would leave her family in great pain.

Miyu's body moved itself, which is why she now came down from the pole on which she had been standing before. Without looking at the woman again, Miyu was pressed against her chest. A warm feeling spread as the embrace gave her a sign.

A sob could be heard as Miyu felt comfortable with this stranger. She realized that maybe there was another way to be more beautiful after all.

"Why did you want to jump?" asked the brown-haired girl, who had detached herself slightly from the girl so that she could see her face. "Because...I'm...ugly..." Miyu cried quietly to herself and felt the larger palms on her cheeks. The woman had pushed her front hair back a little and smiled a little.

"Who says something like that?" she asked, causing Miyu to close her eyes hurtfully. "E..Everyone..."

The brown-haired woman wiped the tears from her face. She could see that the girl wasn't feeling well at all. Children really could be cruel. "I think you're pretty." she said softly, realizing that this girl hadn't seen it that way.

"You know, every growing flower will eventually be perfect and beautiful. Every flower, no matter how small, is more beautiful in my eyes than the ones you can see right away." the woman began to speak. "It's like a fragrance that you can smell in a bottle. If you apply the scent to warm skin, it unfolds. And it's the same with you. You have to unfold first, appreciate yourself. Then you will be beautiful for everyone and yourself too."

More tears came out of Miyu's eyes. How could such a woman say such words? Couldn't she see how ugly her face was? How uneven her lip was?

"Don't listen to people who don't know you. Don't listen to the comments they say. Because it's all a lie. You have a pretty face that you hide behind your hair. Show it to the world. Show them that looks aren't everything." the woman smiled, which Miyu had taken as a tip, but would probably never be able to put into practice.

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