Chapter 19

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Funnily enough, Miyu had been able to talk to Reisuke very well after she had gotten to know him a little. Despite the fact that Miyu didn't know much about him, he had been able to help her with the scents, which had finally brought her one step further.

At home, Miyu had combined the scents she had made with her homemade candles and found everything to be a very good result. Even Shimizu, who was not into such things, found the scents pleasant and had promised to take a few scented candles to school to sell.

With the money Miyu earned from this, she used it to buy supplies for everything. Miyu saved what was left over to build up her company. But this was only supposed to be a secondary source, which is why she had already looked for a job. Extremely difficult when you had to juggle everything with school.

In the end, Miyu found a job in a small café that many of the high school students frequented. There she met Reisuke from time to time, who had taken his friends with him that he had talked about. And one of them kept looking at Miyu a little longer, which made her uncomfortable.

"And you really don't want to go?" Miyu asked her best friend, who was engrossed in her studies. "No, that's all right." Shimizu said reassuringly. They were talking about an exhibition of different fragrances. Miyu had bought a ticket to be able to go there. For every ticket purchased, one additional person could come along. "Then I'll go on my own." Miyu said and wouldn't try to persuade Shimizu. After all, she wasn't interested. "Have fun."

Miyu was hoping for that, of course. As far as the high school student knew, there were rarely any exhibitions where you could learn about scents. The event wasn't supposed to be too big either, so Miyu could avoid everyone she knew.

After arriving at the building and showing her ticket, Miyu didn't have to wait long and was already walking towards the stands she could see. Among them were several perfume samples and scented oils, which she sniffed at. Miyu had taken a small pad with her to write down the names of the fragrances so that she could remember everything for her later products. She also wrote down what she could also smell.

In one of the perfume samples, she could clearly smell orange, which was mixed with some other fruits. A pleasant fruity smell that was suitable for winter. It also reminded Miyu a little of Christmas, which is why she immediately thought of a pattern for the packaging.

"Looks like you're very interested in fragrances." a woman addressed the pink-haired girl. Miyu flinched slightly, who had once again been engrossed and now looked up. Her lips were slightly parted when she saw the woman's face. Her heart beat faster when Miyu had clearly recognized her.

"I...well..." the fifteen-year-old stuttered and was smiled at by the brown-haired girl. "I hardly know anyone who is so involved with it and even recognizes every single scent. Not even I can do that with my own perfumes." smiled the woman who probably had no idea who was in front of her.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now