Chapter 48

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When she arrived in front of the house, Miyu's breath caught in her throat. She knew that Oikawa's family had a lot of money, but not that it was a house like this. Her family's was a joke in comparison. With a queasy feeling, Miyu rang the doorbell and waited for it to be opened.

After a few seconds, the door was opened by an older woman, who was a little confused at first. "Can I help you?" she asked. Miyu realized that this woman must be an employee. She probably looked after the house.

"I wanted to see Oikawa. Iwaizumi said that he might be here." Miyu replied after she had calmed down a little. "Yes, he's in the living room. That boy should finally learn to take a break." the woman grumbled and let Miyu in without thinking. She hadn't even asked who Miyu was. Maybe that was because she had mentioned Iwaizumi.

Taking off her shoes and slipping into her slippers, Miyu walked on into the hallway, which she had almost killed. She could somehow understand why Oikawa had always fled the house. Miyu was even afraid to touch anything.

When she found the living room, Miyu looked at her boyfriend, who was lying pissed off on the sofa and had to hold his leg up a little. There was a bandage on his knee, while he also had to cool the joint. Not a good start to the last school year.

"Iwaizumi...if you want to beat me up again, find someone else...", Oikawa grumbled, since he had already been put through the wringer by him in the gym. "I can go again too.", Miyu replied, causing Oikawa to sit up too quickly and hiss as he moved his knee.

"M..Miyu..." he managed to get out painfully. "What...are you doing here?" he asked afterward, trying to reposition his leg so that his knee had some rest again. Somehow Miyu understood his nickname, Idiotkawa.

"I wanted to ask you for something..." Miyu said, sitting down carefully on the armchair and getting an amused look as she sank deep into it. Miyu hadn't expected to be this comfortable and probably wouldn't be able to get up so easily.

"It's rare that you ask me for something." , the player pondered, barely taking his eyes off his girlfriend. He could well imagine that it was unpleasant to be here. The whole place wasn't exactly cheap. His father wanted to be well received by a lot of people and hadn't skimped on this.

"'s about a training match...", Miyu mumbled and looked at her fingers.

Oikawa grinned amusingly. "You're asking me to do something you don't really know anything about?"

"Take that first, please..." the pink-haired girl whined, hearing his cheerful laughter. "Sorry about that. But you never used to interfere."

Yes, Miyu knew that. But she was here to help Shimizu. Miyu would only make an exception for her now. "So, what's this about?" Oikawa asked when he realized that it was important to her. Her facial features were easy to read. Especially because Miyu couldn't lie.

"Shimizu is trying to support her volleyball team and said that they can hardly go to practice matches. I thought maybe you could talk to your coach and organize a game." Miyu said now and looked into his brown eyes.

"You're talking about the Karasuno, right?" he asked, causing Miyu to nod. "I know that the school isn't good enough. But it's her wish to have some real matches at least in her last year." Miyu tried to explain further, which Oikawa found really cute. She was really trying hard to persuade him, even though she didn't have to.

"Nah, I'm not doing that." he said, which made Miyu look at him with her mouth slightly open.

"Huh...?" Had he really said no? Did he have so little desire to play such a match?

A few minutes of silence passed, during which Miyu had pressed herself further and further into the armchair. So she had come here for nothing.

Looking away from Oikawa again and again, she heard him laugh. "What's so funny?" she asked quietly, not finding it funny at all.

"Silly you, I just wanted to see your reaction. Of course I'm not going to miss out on a training match with the Karasuno. As far as I know, little Tobio will be at this school. I want to see if he's still the little king that Kindaichi talked about." Oikawa announced, amused but also serious. Had he really taken the piss out of her now?

"Mh...Iwaizumi is're an idiotkawa..." Miyu grumbled in offense, which made Oikawa's heart break. "Whaaat? How can you listen to Iwa-chaaan?"

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now