Chapter 36

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There was silence at the bus stop as nobody wanted to say anything. The display said that the bus would be late, which is why the silence lasted even longer.

"I remember seeing you at the bus stop. Back then, you were humming to yourself and moving your feet strangely." Oikawa suddenly started to say, which made Miyu gulp.

She knew it! He was the one who had laughed! She hadn't imagined it!

"I remember that. You laughed at me. My face must have amused you a lot." Miyu replied slightly bitterly and turned her head in the other direction.

"Laughed at you?" Oikawa asked thoughtfully. "Not that I know of." he mumbled to himself, which totally upset Miyu.

"Of course you did! And a few days earlier, you had spoken to me about the smell of perfume, which apparently didn't suit you!" Miyu now hissed and couldn't even look Oikawa in the eye.

Silence fell again and Miyu simply felt broken inside. Remembering this hurt her, which is why the tears came out automatically and she quickly brushed them away.

Noticing this, Oikawa looked at the girl. Shortly afterwards, he sighed softly before closing his eyes briefly. "I wasn't laughing because of your looks. Rather about what you did, because I found it strange, but also cute." Oikawa began to speak and remembered it fondly.

"In my middle school days, many girls approached me, idolized me and chased after me. Each one tried to get my attention somehow, which I always strictly refused. None of them ever interested me because they were always so superficial."

Slowly, Miyu turned her head back in his direction and could see him resting his head on his neck. "There were rarely moments when I really laughed heartily. Actually, I always kind of smiled so as not to look rude. But I never felt like smiling until you came along."

Now Oikawa smiled a little as he remembered the situations again. "Yes, I hated the smell of your perfume because I didn't like the way my mother smelled. But there was no other reason. And at the bus stop, I laughed my heart out for the first time in a long time because you were just weird." the player laughed a little, which Miyu slowly understood.

She had totally misinterpreted the situation. So Oikawa had never hated her and laughed at her. Kind of naive.

"By the way, I think it's a shame what you did to your face. I thought your old face was really cute and I kind of miss it." he admitted, which surprised Miyu.

Miyu automatically placed her palms on her cheeks and touched her fingers to the three areas that she had operated on. "I accept that you did it and I now know why. But I don't care about your appearance, which is what you little silly girl should slowly get into your head." Oikawa grinned now and tapped his finger against her head as he had done before.

"Don't do that..." the pink-haired girl grumbled and lowered her gaze. She really was a silly girl. But she was also relieved that Oikawa never liked her appearance. She should have dealt with him back in middle school.

"I assume that's exactly what you wanted to talk about, right?" he asked now, which made Miyu purse her lips and pretend it had been. Oikawa laughed softly. "You're a bad liar."

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now