Chapter 21

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This woman was her lifesaver. Without her, Miyu would have actually jumped off that bridge. Miyu had never forgotten the words. Just like the comparison with the flowers and the scents that had become her passion. And as Miyu had understood it, this woman had invented some perfumes that Miyu herself even owned at home.

"Are you all right?" the brown-haired woman asked her. The exhibition had been over, which was why Miyu had sat with her in a café and tried to talk about it. But it was impossible to talk about today when the past had caught up with her.

"Hm?" Miyu asked quietly, not realizing that she had been staring ahead of her. "You were just somewhere else. Are you okay?"

It was almost like back then. A relative stranger was worried. Unfamiliar, but Miyu was also kind of glad to have met her again.

"I...need to tell you something..." were the words Miyu managed to get out. The woman tilted her head questioningly. Miyu hadn't gotten a name from her yet, which wasn't too bad.

"You...saved a year or two ago." Miyu swallowed and couldn't even look her in the eye. Blinking several times, the woman leaned forward slightly before widening her eyes slightly. "You...are the girl from the bridge. Am I right?"

"Mh..." Miyu nodded slightly and played with her fingers on the black skirt she had put back on. Unsure, she looked away from the woman, who had managed a slight smile.

"Do you feel better now?" was the only question Miyu had received. "Huh?"

"Do you feel better with your change? Have you made friends now?" she continued to ask, which touched Miyu. So she didn't mind her face being made? "I...don't know..." the student breathed and lowered her head.

"People don't insult me. But...people talk about me. I'm afraid that if everyone finds out that I've had surgery, everyone will reject me again." Miyu admitted honestly and looked up at the brown eyes. "I like to repeat myself. Looks aren't everything."

Somewhat reassured, Miyu exhaled. This woman was just incredible. She had so much understanding, just like her mother. It was just a shame that her father hadn't calmed down yet.

"Thanks to you, I've started to take an interest in perfumes and scented candles." Miyu now spoke a little more openly and smiled brightly. Miyu talked about her progress and the products she wanted to bring to market one day. Somehow she just felt free here. She could talk openly without anything negative coming her way.

Unfortunately, this quiet and peaceful day would end very differently. Because while Miyu had been talking happily to her lifesaver, a person who had been looking at her wife suddenly stood angrily next to the table.

"What are you doing here?" the boy asked coldly, unable to hold back. Unsuspecting of what was going on, Miyu glared at the student, who was probably not on good terms with her counterpart.

"You've grown up, Tooru." she said softly, not expecting to see him here again. "What are you planning? Approach me through Miyu?" he asked immediately.

"No..that.", Miyu started to say, wanting to explain to him what had happened today. "I met her at the fragrance event today and invited her." the woman replied.

Oikawa laughed briefly, shaking his head in disbelief. "You disappear and reappear years later? No mother actually behaves like that."

"M..mother..." stuttered Miyu, who could now see the resemblance between them. How could it be that she could meet Oikawa's mother twice by chance?

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now