Chapter 46

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" really quit hurdling...?" Miyu asked her best friend, who had now revealed it to her. "Yes..." Shimizu admitted and had long since put on black stockings to cover the scars she had gotten from the sport.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Miyu now wanted to know and hadn't even really noticed that Shimizu had stopped in the last year. "I wanted to, but you had enough on your plate. I didn't want to burden you with this as well."

Miyu bit her lip lightly and sat down on her bed, which was opposite Shimizu's. "You're my best friend. Of course you could have told me. Yes, I had some problems, especially in my first year, but last year was better, so you could have said something."

"Sorry...", Shimizu spoke softly and lifted her head a little. "I wanted to tell you now, before you accidentally see me at a game."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" the pink-haired girl wanted to know. "What match?" Shimizu smiled slightly and leaned against the wall by her bed.

"I'm the manager of the volleyball team." she said, which surprised Miyu. Did she have any idea? "I know what you're thinking. I had to learn a lot about it. Since I quit my sport, Sawamura asked me to be her manager. He, Sugawara and Asumane only have this year left."

Miyu was beginning to understand her best friend. She wanted to support a team that needed help. As hard-working as Shimizu was, she would certainly be able to do it well. "A few new players came in last year. But Karasuno isn't like the other schools. They don't even have practice games."

"Oh...that's a shame..." Miyu muttered. Aoba Josai was very different. They had lots of practice games and played in tournaments. They had never made it to the spring tournament because they had always lost to the Shiratorizawa, but they were talked about. The Karasuno had become famous because of the little titan, but had really fallen down the list.

"I hope we get new players this year. Maybe there's hope that we can go to a real tournament one day." said Shimizu, who probably had a goal they wanted to achieve with the team. Miyu wished that the Karasuno were still in the public eye at least once.

"You'll manage. I'm sure you will." Miyu smiled. Maybe she could do something about the training match. After all, her boyfriend was the Aoba Josai's pass player. Perhaps he would be kind enough to request a match against the Karasuno.

"Have you met your family properly now?" Shimizu now asked, causing Miyu to exhale softly. "Not really. Either they're busy or I am. We usually talk on the phone." the seventeen-year-old admitted. "My dad calmed down, who I met for dinner. Akiteru and my mom came to visit me during the school vacations when you were away. And as for Kei... I don't know what's going on with him..."

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Shimizu said and didn't have to say much. It was more important to Miyu that she had support, no matter what form it took.

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