Chapter 59

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"Quite good." The pink-haired girl smiled and was looked at questioningly. "Quite good? There's more to say." Reisuke spoke questioningly. Miyu was still the same as he had known her, but he also realized that she had become more open. He found it strange how she was behaving right now. Maybe she was embarrassed or maybe something had happened today that only concerned Oikawa and her.

It was clear to Miyu that she wouldn't mention today. At least not the part about Oikawa's father. Because that was nobody's business. At least not Kaede and Reisuke.

"What am I supposed to say..?" Miyu asked the room. "We've been together for almost two years and are pursuing our hobbies. So there's not much to say."

"Oh come on. You can't seriously say that's all there is to it." said Kaede, who had even whined a little. What did they put in her tea? Miyu, who had lifted her teacup to smell it, recognized the incredible shaking of Shimizu's head.

So it was safe to assume that this was Kaede's real character. She was more balanced thanks to the therapy and could slowly show her true self, which somehow didn't suit her.

Miyu didn't want to compare looks anymore. But Kaede didn't look like her character at all. Rather the opposite.

"Leave it, Kaede. You're making her uncomfortable." Reisuke, who had accepted Miyu's words, intervened. If she said it was going well, then it was. So far, Miyu had never lied. At least that was how Reisuke knew her.

"Too bad, I would have liked to know what else was going on. After all, I've missed a lot and I'm at a different high school." Kaede exhaled at the end, accepting it.

"But I want to know what you gave him." , she wanted to know after all, which Miyu was actually good at saying. "A scented candle and a perfume." "Huh...? That's all?"

"You must have done it all yourself, right?" Reisuke asked before his girlfriend picked on him. "Mhm." Miyu nodded and smiled a little. She finally told him how she had made Tooru's scent and how he had commented on it.

From then on, Miyu forgot the rest of her birthday and was able to happily recount what had happened at Aoba Josai. She also included Shimizu, as the Karasuno had also played a major role.

In principle, Miyu was happy to see the two of them again. She had often wondered how they were and where they were. She was reassured that they were both doing well and that they had found each other.

A good friend and something like an enemy was really special and a combination you would never think of. But what could Miyu say? Tooru and she were also different. And yet it worked. In the end, you couldn't just choose love.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now