Chapter 14

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"Ahhhh!!!", Miyu screamed into her pillow when she came into the dormitory after the first day of school and had to shout out her frustration. No one had insulted her, but some of the comments were clear. Many students called Miyu a beauty, but so did Kaede. Her frustration was directed more at Oikawa, who wouldn't shut up about Iwaizumi.

"What's got into you?" asked Shimizu, who had come in at that very moment. The black-haired girl had known Miyu for a long time and also knew that she was only herself in these closed rooms.

"Oikawa..." Miyu mumbled and lifted her head to look at her best friend. "He recognized me and saw that I had surgery..." she spoke desperately and slammed her face back into the pillow.

"I'm sure he won't tell anyone else." Shimizu was extremely confident. Sometimes Miyu wished she had that trait. On the other hand, Shimizu had always been a little quieter. Well, so was Miyu in public by now. But in private, Miyu was more the talkative one.

"I hope so..." Miyu mumbled into the pillow. "And what would be the point? Then that's the way it is. You had your reasons." said Shimizu, who had put her bag on the table. Sometimes Shimizu was far too direct, but she was also honest. She didn't beat around the bush, which Miyu really appreciated.

"But I don't want everyone to talk about me again. From the end, I'll just be the student who had the operation." the pink-haired girl exhaled and sat up. "I'm afraid it's going to be like us in middle school..."

"It won't be. I think the high school students are a bit more grown-up and mature. I'm sure there are some who would judge you. But they certainly won't insult you anymore."

Miyu smiled gratefully at these words. Shimizu could be right about everything. Oikawa had behaved really maturely today. Maybe it was because Iwaizumi was a big influence on him.

"Enough about me. How was your first day?" Miyu wanted to know. "Pretty good." The black-haired girl replied, which was a lot of information. "Aaaand?"

"Nothing and. It was good and the students are nice. Karasuno isn't that big, but I like the school." Shimizu expanded a little. Miyu probably wouldn't find out any more from her. "I see, then you must have it very good." Miyu concluded and smiled slightly.

Miyu was glad that she could at least show all her feelings to her best friend. The smile she had here would probably never be seen at school. The fear of being laughed at was far too great.

"What are you going to do about your father? I assume only he and your mother are coming to school." Shimizu asked, causing the smile to fade. "It'll work out somehow...I hope." Miyu mumbled quietly. She really hadn't thought about that. Maybe it had been a stupid idea to keep everything from him and Kei.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now