Chapter 65

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With his hands on his lap, Miyu now sat at a table with Tooru's father, while his companion stood next to him. It was either a bodyguard, his business partner or simply someone who had to be a witness. For this conversation, Miyi had taken one of the seats at the back so that the other guests wouldn't overhear.

"Why did you want to talk to me?" Miyu asked, feeling very brave. However, her voice sounded a little uncertain, which was also indicated by her seated gesture. Because she had not forgotten the last encounter.

"I wanted to know what kind of cheap cafe you work in and what my son likes about it." the man began to say, which Miyu just let stand. She didn't want to start an argument or throw more coal on the fire.

"But actually, I'm not here for that. I wanted to show you that the relationship with you and my son wouldn't work." The man now came to the real issue. For a short while, Miyu had almost thought he was going to say the opposite.

"I...guess Tooru has already told you everything." came from Miyu. She didn't want to interfere in their family business. She didn't want to drag Tooru's efforts into the mud.

"You're just like my ex-wife and I hate that." he spoke now. "I know exactly what you're doing and I don't accept that Tooru is going in the same direction."

"I'm yours..." Miyu tried to defend herself and heard a snort from him. "You're just like her. You don't want to submit. Do what you want. Have your own company, which you don't want to give up. As a wife, you wanted to take care of the household as well as the children. And that's exactly what I hate the most."

Miyu swallowed at these words. So Tooru's mother hadn't let herself be subordinated and was fighting for her dreams. And that was precisely her downfall. That was one of the reasons why this man couldn't stand her.

He simply didn't want the same thing to happen to Tooru that had happened to him. But their relationship was different. Tooru accepted her passion, just as she accepted his.

"Tooru is a great volleyball player and is supported by me and all the companies. I still think you want to take advantage of that, which is why I'm getting to the real issue."

How? That wasn't the real issue? Then what was it about? That she had to change now so that this man would accept her?

Almost inconspicuously, his companion placed a bag on the table for her. There was no mark on it, which made Miyu suspicious, but she took the bag in her hands to see what was inside.

"I'm giving you the opportunity to build your company. To get your family out of poverty. You can have all this if you break up in front of Tooru and cut off contact." her counterpart said, which made Miyu's heart ache.

His father seriously wanted to bribe her with money? Get rid of her just because she didn't fit his image? How brazen did this man have to be to not even pay attention to Tooru's feelings?

Unsure what Miyu should think about the whole thing, she bit her lip slightly. Iwaizumi had more or less said that he would do anything to make Miyu disappear from Tooru's life. She had already prepared herself for a lot. But not money.

Above all, what made him think that her parents were living in poverty? Sure, they didn't have tons of money. But it was enough to be happy and to live. Other things had never been important in their family.

Although nobody really had much money, everything was done so that she could have her operation. Her father had to work hard to get all the money back and had never asked for anything in return.

Her eyes turned to Tooru's father, who had been waiting anxiously. He was hoping that she would give in here. But Miyu didn't want that. Tooru had fought, talked to his father. He had protected her and stood up for her.

Automatically, her body moved forward, her hand placing the bag back on the table. "I can't be bought." she said, looking into the oikawa's annoyed face.

"Like my ex." , came out of his mouth before he stood up and picked up the bag himself. "I'm sure we'll meet again." he said slightly snidely and disappeared from the café with his companion.

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