Chapter 6

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At home, when Miyu was sure that not everyone was in the house, she plucked up all her courage to talk to her mother about her wish. The girl held a magazine in her arms, which she wanted to use as an example. She hoped that her mother would understand. That she knew how Miyu must feel.

"Mom." Miyu addressed her. Preoccupied with her food, the blonde looked over her shoulder a little. "What's for dinner?" she wanted to know and was stirring the curry sauce that would be served with the rice.

"There's something I wish for." Miyu began to speak and her mother looked at her questioningly. "Well, you never come up with a wish." she said, still slightly worried. She could see a pain in her daughter's eyes that she had kept hidden all this time. The brownish eyes focused on the fashion magazine that she had often seen on Miyu.

"I...want an operation." Miyu spoke out and heard something bang loudly on the floor behind her. Her gaze slid to Akiteru, who had dropped his sports bag and looked at her in disbelief. "You...want...what?" he asked in shock, which made Miyu swallow a little.

"I want to look like her. I want to look... more beautiful." Miyu continued, sounding a little unsure. Although she had plucked up the courage to do so, her mother and Akiteru made her more insecure again.

"But darling. You are beautiful." her mother smiled, which Miyu couldn't accept and the tears that had slowly started to well up in her eyes. "I'm not!" the girl shouted loudly.

"I'm ugly and that's what everyone at school says!" cried Miyu through her tears. "I don't want to look like this anymore! Why does everyone think I'm so hideous? Why do they call me an orc?! I..I'm sick of looking like this!"

As quickly as her mother could, she ran towards Miyu and cupped her face in her palms. "Don't think about that." the blonde spoke softly and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I named you Miyu because you've been beautiful since you were a baby. Don't let other children talk you into anything."

Continuing to cry, Miyu closed her eyes. Any mother would say something like that. She couldn't know what was really going on. "I..I don't want to be so ugly anymore. school bullies me, insults me, laughs at me...I." From then on, Miyu herself broke off, unable to talk about it any more. It hurt far too much.

"Miyu, why have you never spoken to us about this?" Akiteru wanted to know, kneeling down slightly to be at eye level with her.

He had inherited his height from his father, which was not always an advantage.

"Because... because I didn't want to burden you with it." came out of her mouth in tears and was hugged tightly by her big brother. His gaze slid to her mother, who was probably thinking the same thing. The two of them had already suspected that there was something at school that had changed Miyu so much. But no one would have thought that Miyu would be insulted because of it.

"Miyu, your name means beauty as well as excellent. No matter what people say about your looks, they are jealous of it. You are as beautiful as you are. The others have no idea what beauty really means." her mother tried to explain again. However, she could see that Miyu was not happy. And apparently had been since elementary school.

"I...just... wish to be different. To be beautiful..." Miyu continued to cry quietly, having set her mind firmly on this plastic surgery. No one would ever understand her problem. No one would be able to understand her feelings.

"I just...want to belong..."

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now