Chapter 28

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The next few days were as usual. School, studying, experimenting and listening to a few conversations about various people. At Miyu's part-time job, it was normal for the women to talk about their appearance, which even her mother, who had come to visit, had overheard.

The women used a special term for people who had undergone surgery, which her mother had misunderstood at first. The blonde-haired girl had proudly told her friends, who had pointed out to her what the word actually meant.

Excited about this, the woman burst into the café to address Miyu, who had only smiled at the comment. She had assumed that her operation was visible anyway and had said nothing more about it. On the one hand, her mother was sad to hear such things about her daughter. And on the other hand, she was proud that her daughter hadn't really listened.

"Has Dad calmed down?" asked the pink-haired girl, who had been out for a walk with her mother. "More or less. I think he's starting to understand why you did it. Give him some more time."

Understanding, Miyu nodded and smiled slightly. As much as she had noticed, she believed that her father was watching her. His behavior was quite noticeable, which Shimizu had also said.

"And what else? How have you been so far?" the woman asked. "Hm, quite well. You don't have to worry about me."

Her mother breathed a sigh of relief. "And I thought the whole time that you might be unwell." she whined briefly, which was amusing. "Has Kei decided on a secondary school yet? It won't be long before he has to decide."

"I think he's going to Karasuno with Yamaguchi. That's the closest school to our home. I'm still not quite sure why Shimizu is taking this route."

"Shimizu sometimes stays with her parents when she's had a long day. But she has chosen to be with me in this apartment. So the journey is no problem for her." Miyu smiled and started to tell her mother what had been going on at school. Of course, she didn't say anything about all the incidents so that no one would have to worry.

She also talked about Oikawa's mother, who had met Miyu again for dinner and was able to talk to her about scents. As far as Miyu knew, it hadn't been a problem for Oikawa. Sometimes he had even been there to talk to his mother. At one meeting, he had even taken his sister and nephew with him.

"This woman sounds really nice." Tsukishima smiled. "Yes, she is." Miyu agreed and felt really comfortable with this family. "But tell me, do you like Oikawa?"

Completely horrified and her cheeks flushed, Miyu looked at her mother. "What? No!" came out of her mouth promptly, eliciting a laugh from her mother. "Sorry, but you just looked like that."

"'s not funny...," Miyu grumbled a little offended before she stomped off halfway.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now