Chapter 4

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One thing Miyu had only told her best friend was that she liked one boy who hadn't paid much attention to her. Just like everyone else at this school, in fact. However, Miyu felt that she could still be a little confident. Maybe there would be someone who misjudged her after all.

The only thing Miyu had to think about was how she would get his attention. No one would want to talk to her just like that, or have anything to do with her. For this reason, Miyu had made a note of any schoolwork that might appear on an exam.

Of course, she had also sneaked up to the teacher's desk to see the future homework, which looked quite difficult. It had actually been a very high risk. If Miyu had been caught, she would either have had detention or been given a few days off.

Miyu breathed out quietly and nervously as she stood a little apart on the sports field and waited for the boy. She clutched the notes tightly to her chest and hoped that everything would be alright.

"What do you want from me?" came the question from the brown-haired boy who had actually come here. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he looked down at Miyu, who became more uncertain.

"I..." "I don't have all day." came promptly, which was why Miyu bit her lip and slipped him the notes. "The questions and answers for the next homework and exams." , the girl said and the boy looked at her for quite a long time.

The boy looked at the handwriting before he knocked everything in her hands away with his. "Who do you think you are?!" asked Koji, whose name Miyu had kept repeating in her head.

"Do you have a crush on me?!" Koji asked with a laugh, based on what Miyu was about to give him. When Miyu didn't answer, Koji started laughing again.

"You really fancy me?" he asked incredulously, shaking his head spitefully. "I would never do anything with you, and do you know why?" he asked the girl, who had slowly lowered her head and her hair came back in front of her face.

"Because you're ugly, Tsukishima! You're as ugly as a troll, or even better, an orc!" he insulted Miyu, who was holding back tears. She had heard all kinds of comments, but nothing like that.

"Stay away from me! I don't want to look bad and be ugly because of you!" scolded Koji, who finally just walked away without another word.

A crushing feeling spread through Miyu. She couldn't hold back the tears that flowed down her cheeks. To even think that Koji would like her was stupid. She should have known that he thought she was ugly and that she would never have a chance.

Miyu couldn't change the fact of how she looked. The fact that she was ugly wouldn't change. Deep down, Miyu knew what to do. However, it would take a lot of effort. But she probably had no other choice.

Because without a change, people would never like her. Without a change, she would only ever have one friend who had always supported her in everything.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now