Chapter 69

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Outside the house, Miyu exhaled before she pressed the doorbell and didn't have to wait long for the door to open. Just like at the birthday party, an employee had opened it and simply let her in. It was likely that pretty much everyone knew.

"He's waiting for you in the living room." the woman announced and let Miyu in with her shoes. She didn't want to stay too long herself, as she had promised Shimizu to pack everything up.

Once in the living room, Miyu recognized Tooru's father in the armchair. His posture was relaxed, while his gaze was immediately on her body. Well, maybe more on her clothes. To him, it would seem cheap as always.

"You wanted to see me?" Miyu asked, remembering his comment at the cafe. It had actually been logical that she would see him again very soon.

"Since you turned down the money and I found out what you wanted to study, I didn't want to miss the chance to talk to you again." So she was being stalked by his coworkers? Iwaizumi hadn't mentioned anything like that.

Since Miyu wouldn't sit down without his request anyway, she simply remained standing in front of him. His look was enough to tell her that she was not welcome and that she was stupid to think that he had changed his mind.

"I wonder what Tooru can see in you. You wasted money to have an operation, and it's plain to see." he began to speak, making Miyu feel bad again. But Tooru was not by her side.

"How ugly you must have looked to have yourself altered. You're born with a beauty, which obviously wasn't your luck."

It felt like several pinpricks. Her teeth were already pressing down on her inner lip. Her tears were almost visible, which she was thankfully still able to swallow.

"There are many more beautiful women than you. Tooru could have any other. Better ones, smarter ones and ones that would do the company good. You are garbage next to all the naturally beautiful models who have undergone surgery for all these privileges." the man continued, making Miyu relive her past. In just one conversation, he made Miyu realize everything.

"You are too different. You want to be independent, have a normal family. But that will never work. Our family is highly respected and lives with things you could never have. I think you've talked yourself into this relationship and tried to be better than all the other women."

Miyu swallowed again. She shouldn't have come here. However, she realized how his father could be right. Tooru was famous, so to speak, through volleyball alone. She, on the other hand, was nothing of the sort.

"I don't know how you managed to get Tooru back in touch with his mother. But I strongly assume that you took advantage of it all. Anyone who has had an operation once will do it again. Finally realize that this relationship is one-sided anyway and is never meant for the future."

Despite the fact that Tooru's father must know his true feelings, Miyu began to rethink everything. Her heart ached at what he had said and how he had said it. "I..."

"I'm giving you a chance today to get on with your life as normally as possible. But that's only possible if you break up with Tooru and he can find someone who can withstand all the pressure."

Miyu's head automatically lowered. She could feel how manipulative he was. She knew he would say anything to get her to give in. But because of what Miyu had been through, she was beginning to agree with him. She never stood a chance against other girls. She was always ugly towards them. So how had Tooru chosen her in the first place?

"You know I'm right." his father said, remaining monotone and cool. "End this suffering. End this whole fight. You had Tooru with you last time as protection, but what about now? You are alone. As far as I know, you only have one best friend. You're nothing to my son."

"S..Stop it..." Miyu asked now that she had heard enough. All the pinpricks in her heart hurt incredibly. To think that Tooru could be happy with her was wrong. Tooru could have someone by his side who could share his passion for volleyball. Someone who would play housekeeper.

And then Miyu had to admit that she was probably just like Tooru's mother. Didn't want to let her dream be taken away from her. Not wanting to be oppressed. But in this family, Miyu would be far too shy to say anything against anyone she knew.

"So, what's his decision?" his father asked, which made Miyu raise her head and do what no one would think of her now. For as boldly as Miyu would now speak to this man, she could hardly have believed it herself.

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