Chapter 44

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The loud scream did not stop Oikawa and Iwaizumi either, who ran after the strange boy, while Miyu had taken a different path. Although she didn't really want to have anything more to do with it, she couldn't help herself and had to make sure that everything was alright.

Crying and beside herself, Kaede sat on the ground and held her face. It became clear to Miyu, who saw a few shards of glass on the floor, what might be going on.

"Kaede, what happened?" wanted to know the pink-haired girl who had knelt down and wanted to pull her hand down. "Don't touch me!" the girl screamed, crying and upset, throwing her hair in her face to cover everything.

"I have to look at it. Kaede, please." Miyu begged, wanting to see the extent of the acid. Miyu couldn't think of anything else now. Her health came first.

Continuing to expand, Kaede didn't let anyone get close to her. She had withdrawn lately, which was probably also due to her bulimia. Since Kaede didn't want to show her face, Miyu took a piece of glass in her hand with great care so that she could smell it.

"It's just water." Miyu told her and touched her hand again. "Keade, it's just water."

"Let go!" yelled the girl again, who had now taken one of the large splinters in her hand and held it to her neck. Panic rose in Miyu, who couldn't show this feeling.

"I'm telling the truth. Please, put the splinter away. It's really just water. Trust me." Miyu tried to reassure the girl, who wasn't able to listen to her at all. All Miyu could do was pick up her cell phone and turn on the camera.

"Take a look. Your face is fine. Nothing happened..."

Tearfully, Kaede looked up into the screen. Her hair was disheveled, while her face was slightly swollen from tears. There was some dirt on her skin, which had been caused by her hand lying on the floor earlier.

"You see, everything's fine." came from Miyu, who could see how Kaede had slowly calmed down. Apparently the boy had just wanted to scare her. "What happened?"

"Why do you care?" Kaede asked, not really looking at Miyu. "I..faked a friendship with you and..."

"That's not important now. Yes, you hurt me. Especially because I really thought we were and could be friends. But you're not well and you must have been very scared." Miyu spoke calmly and was glad that Kaede hadn't gotten any acid on her face.

"Oikawa wouldn't be so nice. But Iwaizumi and he ran after that boy." Miyu said, hoping that Kaede would tell her what had happened.

"He...wanted revenge..." Kaede now began to say. "Apparently he assumed that I liked him, even though I never told him or showed him. He said that he would hurt me if I didn't apologize for fooling him."

Kaede had probably done a lot of damage. Not just to be the most popular with some students. She had built up a lot over the last few years and had started to lose it. It was pure stress for the whole body when you always had to fight. And with her bulimia, it was no easy task to keep up the facade.

"Seems like we've both been through a lot..." Miyu exhaled. "I guess so..." Kaede admitted and now realized herself that she would need help. Oikawa had actually said it to her when she had intercepted him once after training. He had called her a psycho and turned her down again. Since Oikawa always told the truth, she had already realized then that she needed help. But only realizing it now had probably come very late.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now