Chapter 75

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"I'm going to miss you, little flower." her father said, taking her face between his hands. Slight tears ran from her eyes when he used this term again after years. He used to call her little flower a lot. But she still had her old face then and he had never called her that since.

"Dad..." Miyu breathed, almost in tears, and was hugged tightly by him. "I hate myself for slandering you for so long." The man spoke and pressed his lips to her mop of hair as best he could. "I treated you like a stranger."

"I...we should have told you. Sorry..." Miyu hadn't really talked to him about it until today. Their relationship had improved again after a while. But the subject was never really brought up. Miyu was now glad that she could still clarify everything here. Who knew what could happen. You could always regret something.

"It's all right. I overreacted. I should have seen and realized earlier that you weren't well. Forgive my stupidity." Miyu smirked slightly. I guess stupidity really did apply. But it also applied to her.

"Honey, let her go already. Otherwise she'll miss her train." her mother, who was standing at the station with her husband, reprimanded her. They hadn't wanted to let Miyu come here on the bus and were taking their time to say goodbye.

"But..." "She'll be fine." The woman laughed lightly and hugged her daughter herself. "We're so proud of you." she said, causing Miyu to sob.

Smiling, she broke away from her daughter and brushed away the flowing tears with her thumbs. "You can do this. We believe in you."

Swallowing back the tears, Miyu nodded. She believed she could manage her studies and build up her brand on the side. Her new job would give her the same opportunity.

It was a job in a laboratory that would produce many perfumes for companies. She had mentioned her goal at the interview when she was asked about it. And since the boss didn't want to destroy this dream, she had said from the start that she would support Miyu. Miyu also had a small advantage because of Tooru's mother, who was an old friend of hers.

"I have to go." Miyu breathed out and broke away from her parents to go to her train, which had arrived. She had maybe another five minutes to get on before it would leave without her.

"Take care!" her mother shouted, waving her hand, which was a little embarrassing. Especially as her father was standing next to her, quite emotional. "I will!" Miyu called back before she boarded the train and left Miyagi behind her.

Smiling slightly to herself, Tsukishima looked for a place to review everything. She looked out of the window to memorize the surroundings once more.

"Right then. Tokyo I'm coming..." Miyu whispered quietly as the train started to move.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now