Chapter 18

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Alone in the club room, Miyu sat at several test tubes containing various liquids. Next to her was a worn, thick notebook that she had made herself. Some blank and full papers were sticking out a little and some of them were already bent or torn. To an outsider, it looked pretty messy.

For Miyu, however, everything was as it should be. She knew which pages contained the recipes and where the individual extra sheets belonged. She had simply stuck some of them to another page of the book and folded them inside.

Other people would probably buy a new notebook and write their new findings in it. However, this was not Miyu, who would one day write her own real book. This book would be all about her own inventions, recipes and creations. Her goal was to have her own company brand to sell fragrances.

Miyu had already been interested in this in primary and even secondary school. On weekends, she preferred to make her own candles instead of going to the movies. Using various pure perfume scents, she had finally turned the candles into scented candles.

Despite her operated nose, she had no problem distinguishing the scents. Before Miyu had her nose done, she wanted reassurance from the doctor that everything would be as usual with her sense of smell. And this promise was kept.

"Mh...maybe a little more vanilla...", Miyu mused quietly, tapping her pen thoughtfully on her lip. She had actually already added this extract several times, but was of the opinion that you couldn't smell much of it yet. It was also important to her that it wasn't too sweet. Not everyone liked the penetrating smells.

Opening the bottle, Miyu smelled the ingredient once more due to her habit before dripping a few more drops into her test tube. The teenager didn't notice that someone had approached the room and was more or less already standing near her.

Once again, Miyu tapped her lip, which she had wrinkled a little along with her nose and pulled up. She didn't like something about the scent. Clueless, she leafed through her notebook until she reached the point where she had gotten stuck last time.

"Maybe... a little more scented oil...", Miyu mumbled, as the pure vanilla scent wasn't strong enough even with the whole mixture.

"Or a drop or two more." said a boy, somewhat amused, who had been watching Miyu for a few minutes and had unintentionally startled her. "Sorry for scaring you. But you were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice me."

Unable to say anything, Miyu sat slightly frozen. Had she really not noticed how he had been watching her? Her hobby and passion must have really distracted her a lot. "It's been a long time since I've seen your someone here. Some of my friends gave up chemistry because a lot of the formulas were too complicated. And at some point, the club was history."

There was a brief silence as Miyu didn't know exactly what this boy wanted from her. It wasn't always easy to find a topic. The only thing she had heard, she just wanted to test it out and took his hint.

"Mhh..." Miyu grumbled contentedly as those two more drops had really helped. Without even thanking him, Miyu wrote the recipe in her notebook and scribbled a few pictures in it.

"Reisuke Toshi, nice to meet you newcomer." The boy introduced himself, causing Miyu to raise her eyes. As if stung by a bee, the girl stood up, almost knocking everything off the table, cursing quietly before standing up properly and bowing.

" you then...Miyu Tsukishima." The pink-haired girl babbled, which Reisuke found cute and amusing. Slightly embarrassed, Miyu didn't even look him in the eye.

"You're welcome." Reisuke smiled, realizing that she had felt a little uncomfortable. "If you don't mind, I'd like to stop by more often in the future."

"Mh..." Miyu nodded, feeling stupid at the moment. Was Reisuke's presence so bad that she couldn't even talk anymore?

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