Chapter 34

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Miyu swallowed hard as she looked into Kaede's angry face. She had caught the black-haired girl red-handed and heard the consequences. In her eyes, however, Miyu could see a pain that had not reached the rest of her body.

"Kaede, what you're doing...was once a part of my life too..." Miyu tried to remain calm. "Don't talk about it as if you could understand me!" Kaede continued to yell, hoping to get rid of Miyu.

"I don't want to look away, Kaede. It's not healthy for you to..." "What do you know?! Nothing at all! So don't interfere!" the girl who was probably deeper in bulimia than she thought continued to scold her. Many people like that didn't even realize how bad they were feeling.

"I also tried to starve myself at elementary school. There are other ways. And you're beautiful enough. So why are you doing this to yourself and your body?" Miyu understood the girl in that respect. Kaede was a ten out of ten. She probably wouldn't gain weight so quickly if she ate a few more grams.

Kaede laughed softly, shaking her head and simply not wanting to listen. There was also a sound of satisfaction, which made Miyu realize that she had just spoken to a wall.

"We're not even that different..." Miyu began to say, hoping to reach Kaede better. "I don't know what happened in your past. But apparently you chose to starve yourself and throw up. And I chose to operate on my face to be a part of it."

Kaede shook her head again. She realized what Miyu was trying to say, but they were nothing alike. "I hate people like you." the Hanagaki said, causing Miyu to swallow softly. Hate? Why? Hadn't they formed some kind of friendship?

"I hate people who let themselves be changed to get attention. I hate people like you who have surgery to look more beautiful. It's a privilege to be beautiful from birth. Guys love beautiful girls. But they are all wrong in my eyes. None of them know what it feels like to have to fit in for everyone."

Slowly, Miyu understood more and more what Kaede was trying to say. Her words were hurtful, but she now realized what Kaede had seen in the other girls. "You're jealous." Tsukishima said, noticing her facial features, which revealed the truth.

"I don't know what Reisuke and Oikawa see in you. You're not a natural beauty and you never will be." came from Kaede, who had obviously gotten herself into something.

That Oikawa was supposed to like Miyu was the second time she had heard it. Reisuke had also seen it. Perhaps Miyu had never wanted to realize it. Yes, she felt comfortable around him. Yes, she got along relatively well with him.

But so far, Miyu had seen no reason why Oikawa should like her. "I have nothing more to say to you." came from Kaede, who wanted to turn away from now on. Miyu, who could not and would not look away from the bulimia, would probably not be able to do anything more here.

"I just hope that you find a way to feel better." Miyu nodded resolutely before turning to the door. "Maybe you'll realize for yourself that you need help." Miyu said before she opened the door and left Kaede alone.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now