Chapter 77

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"Welcome to the University of Tokyo for Natural Sciences." the lecturer greeted the new students, including Miyu. In front of her was a booklet with the subjects she had studied. Biology and chemistry were her main subjects, which she had fortunately taken in secondary school. In addition to these two courses, Miyu had also taken a minor in pharmacy to strengthen her knowledge.

For the food sector, Miyu was able to read up on the necessary things without having to take a fourth subject. Basically, it would be too much of a good thing.

Especially when she was still working as a chemical laboratory assistant in the fragrance industry. She would learn a lot more there anyway and put theory into practice straight away. And that was exactly what Miyu was looking forward to the most.

If she looked around carefully, there were very few students here. This was probably because chemistry is extremely complicated and many would give up. But giving up was out of the question for Miyu. Perhaps she was one of the few who would complete this course.

"I would like to give you an introduction to the subject today so that you already know what to expect." said the lecturer, starting the projector on the side.

Even at first glance, some formulas were recognizable, which belonged to the basics. It was probably important to her that all students had a repetition. "I know many of you know the basic formulas of chemistry. But I want to make you aware that it's going to get a lot more complicated. You must be aware that you will have to do and learn a lot."

The lecturer paused briefly to look at the faces of her students. Before the semester had even started, she had already looked at all their documents to see how they were doing. And one young woman in particular caught her eye.

Miyu Tsukishima, who had already done very well in chemistry and biology at secondary school. She had even written down her job in her documents. She was very sure that Tsukishima would be one of the few to pass this course.

"Well then. I'll explain the goals of our semester together." , she said and began the lesson.

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