Chapter 55

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Slightly nervous, Miyu ran after Iwaizumi, who didn't want her to go to the house alone. Not because he was afraid she would disappear, but because she probably wouldn't even get inside. So it would be easier and more pleasant with him.

Iwaizumi had barely arrived at the house when the bell rang and was kindly invited inside. For Miyu, only a small greeting was enough, which didn't bother her much.

Before she could even look around, several smells hit her nose. These included the perfumes of the guests and the food that was spread out on the tables. Her eyes turned to the guests who were talking about all sorts of things and she could barely make out a single topic. In addition, she felt slightly overwhelmed by it all and stayed closer to Iwaizumi.

He had already noticed her gesture and stayed by her side until they reached Oikawa. This world was completely new to Miyu and she didn't know how to deal with it. She would never get used to it.

"Iwa-chaan! Miyu!" Oikawa called out with a grin when he saw the two of them and realized how close Miyu was to his best friend. Although he wanted to compliment her on the dress, he couldn't. "Come." he smiled instead and held out his hand to her, which Miyu hesitantly took.

Oikawa nodded his thanks to his best friend and had not been wrong in his assumption. "Oikawa..." Miyu spoke softly and uncertainly as she walked beside him and squeezed his hand a little more. "I...think...I shouldn't be here..."

"Oh, nonsense. You're my friend and you're always welcome." The boy grinned and was already stopped by other guests who had asked him about the high school tournament. Naturally, Ushijima was also a topic of conversation.

"We will certainly win the preliminary round for the spring tournament." Oikawa smiled, which Miyu looked at questionably. This smile here was also an act. So there were a lot of moments when Oikawa wasn't happy.

"So, what are you giving me?" Oikawa wanted to know after he and Miyu had found a quieter corner and Iwaizumi had disappeared somewhere. Probably to delay his father as long as possible before he got in the way.

"" Miyu stuttered. On the way here, she had noticed all the presents Oikawa had been given. Expensive sportswear, sports bags, even a few accessories that he would never wear anyway. And all from brands that Miyu either didn't know or couldn't afford.

"Come on, give me that." the player demanded with a grin and, strangely enough, had the most honest smile ever right now. Murmuring quietly to himself, Miyu held up the dark blue paper bag that Oikawa had been looking at. There was no brand on it, nor what might be inside.

Curious, Oikawa picked up the bag and took out the gift without looking inside. He felt two presents, which is why he dared to take a look inside. "Huh...?" he asked, blinking, and took out the two items, which were the perfect size.

"A scented candle and a perfume?" he asked, confused, which had become even more awkward. "Mhm..look..closer..." grumbled the pink-haired girl, who had looked away in embarrassment. Complying with her request, his green eyes turned to the label, which was apparently supposed to stand for her own brand.


Oikawa looked at his girlfriend with wide eyes. "You...created something of your own for me and named it after me?" he asked, stunned, which Miyu confirmed with a small nod. Without going any further, Oikawa opened the perfume and sprayed it on without smelling it. "What..."

"Mhhh... that kind of smells like... me." Oikawa realized. "You...can't...take a shower without smelling it..." "Of course I can. I trust your abilities and I knew it was a good scent." The boy grinned and put his arms around her head so that he could hug Miyu. "Thank you. the best gift of all..."

Slight tears formed in Miyu's eyes from his joy. She was unsure if he would really like it and hadn't given anyone the smell as a sample. Not even Iwaizumi.

"Tell me, what exactly is in it?" Oikawa wanted to know, smelling the scented candle to somehow find out for himself. Amused by this, Miyu looked at her friend, who continued to ponder.

"Spruce, cotton, a little vanilla and a hint of peach to give it freshness." she explained to him. "Actually, you wanted to make something out of milk buns, since you love them so much. But it was difficult to find something, so I mixed something else together."

Oikawa's smile grew even bigger than before.

Miyu had really put a lot of thought into finding the perfect scent for him. She really had talent.

"That's why you didn't come to the match, right?" he asked now, always wondering why she had canceled all the matches. "Hm..yeah..." Tsukishima mumbled. "And...Iwaizumi helped..." she admitted, causing Oikawa to grimace. "How mean of him!" he grumbled, but didn't want to go into it any further because of Miyu.

He wanted to give his girlfriend a kiss for her efforts, but was interrupted the moment his lips almost touched hers. "Aren't you going to introduce me to this girl?"

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now