Chapter 57

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"You shouldn't listen to his father. He'll do and say anything if someone doesn't suit him." said Iwaizumi, who was walking next to Miyu. There was no comment from her, which wasn't necessary. Iwaizumi understood her situation and knew that Oikawa would stand up for her.

"Even if you don't want to know. Many have had to go through it. Even his sister's current husband." Iwaizumi announced. It had been similar for Oikawa's sister. Only she was a little luckier, as her husband worked in a bank and had a lot of contacts.

Nevertheless, it had been difficult for the relationship to find the happiness that they now had. Everyone had isolated themselves from their father as much as possible and only spoke to each other when they needed to. "You'll manage."

Miyu continued to look at the floor, which was a lot more exciting at the moment. If this conversation had been between all the guests, she would certainly have started crying. These now appeared slightly, which she did not want to show his father.

"Is bad that I...had an operation?" the pink-haired girl now asked, doubting her decision. Maybe she would be prettier if she hadn't had anything done at all.

"Nonsense. He just doesn't understand why you did it and what the reason for it is. Shittykawa's father only sees the basics." explained the ace, trying to cheer up the slightly younger girl. However, he could well understand that she wasn't exactly in the mood. A single encounter had brought Miyu back to her old facade.

"Just ignore his father. The important thing is that everyone else sticks by you and that you believe in the relationship and hold on to it." Miyu nodded at his words and tried to memorize what Iwaizumi had said. Because Tooru's father had a lot of influence, it wouldn't be easy to come up against him.

But she was also somehow confident that everything would work out. After all, Tooru was now of age and, like her, would soon be finished with school. His father couldn't really say or do anything against Tooru anymore.

And yet Miyu had the feeling that something was still to come for her and Tooru. Until then, however, she wanted to make the best of it and not let anyone talk her into anything. Miyu didn't want to feel like she used to when someone had something against her.

A little happier and more determined, Miyu walked on again with her head held high, which made Iwaizumi smile. So it was right to say and explain a few things to her.

"Thank you for accompanying me." , the seventeen-year-old thanked him and was glad to be near him. Without Iwaizumi, she would certainly have started crying. "You're welcome. Everything will be the same tomorrow at school."

Miyu smiled slightly and waved goodbye to the ace before finally opening the front door and walking up the stairs. Tooru had been pleased with her gift, so there was no need to worry. He had also confirmed his love, which was why Miyu had become more and more confident.

Opening the door to the apartment and taking off her shoes, the pink-haired girl smelled the food being prepared. Strange, she had told Shimizu that she didn't have to cook.

Questioningly, Miyu walked towards the dining room, which was also the kitchen, and stopped in the middle of the hallway when Shimizu had already turned around. "You have guests." the black-haired woman said, which Miyu could see for herself.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now