Chapter 22

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Miyu no longer wanted to interfere in this family matter and went home. Apparently something had happened in this family that she shouldn't know about. At least Oikawa had looked as if he couldn't forgive her for something. She just hoped that it wouldn't end in a fight.

"So, how was the event?" Reisuke asked when he had visited Miyu again in the chemistry club and she was working on new scents again. "Quite good. I learned a lot." she admitted and mixed the liquids together.

"I met Oikawa's mother there." she revealed to him and heard nothing more for the time being. "His mother?" "Yes, she had a pair of her perfumes on display. She said I had a talent for it."

Reisuke smiled slightly. "Sounds good to me." "Yeah..but Oikawa saw us at the cafe. He looked angry..." Miyu mumbled at the end and exhaled. She became thoughtful about it and wondered why Oikawa had never spoken of his mother. And then she realized something that might be connected to that.

Oikawa had brought up Miyu's scent. In middle school, just like here at high school. No wonder, because Miyu wore a perfume that his mother had invented. That's why he didn't like it.

Accordingly, it was not hurtful towards her. Oikawa just wanted to tell her that he hated the smell of the perfume because it was his mother's perfume. How stupid she was.

"Everything all right?" Reisuke asked when he noticed her absence. The pink-haired girl twitched for a moment before nodding briefly. "Yes, everything's fine. I was just thinking about something." she admitted with a slight smile and turned her attention back to her scents.

"In that about you come with me tonight." "Huh? Where to?" Miyu wanted to know. "My friends and I are going to a small bar tonight. A few first-years are coming along too. How about it?"

A little nervous, Miyu nibbled on her inner lower lip. "I..was never..out..." she admitted, blushing slightly, which Reisuke found extremely cute. He laughed softly to avoid making the situation even more awkward. "Don't worry. We're not doing anything bad. Just join us."

Should she give herself a jolt? Should she really go out and meet other people? So far, Miyu had kept a very low profile so that no one would find out about her past. Some students tried to ask her about middle school, but it didn't really work. There was no photo of her to be seen anyway.

"Okay, I'm coming." Miyu agreed, which made Reisuke happy. "Good, then." the boy who had stood up grinned a little. "I'll see you tonight."

Miyu nodded in confirmation, who had looked after the third grader and thought nothing of the invitation. It certainly wouldn't be so bad to be able to enjoy an evening.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now