Chapter 10

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"Why Aoba Josai?" asked Miyu, who was sitting on a bench in the hospital garden to get some fresh air. Her mother was visiting again today and had brought her the registration form for this secondary school. There were actually many other high schools in Miyagi. However, Miyu had not chosen the one in Akiteru.

"Because I have a better chance of studying there later." Miyu explained. "Aoba Josai is highly regarded alongside Shiratorizawa. But I don't have to do what I want to study at Shiratorizawa. Besides, Aoba Josai is a bit closer to your home and also to Shimizu."

It had been clear for a while that Miyu would move into a student apartment with Shimizu. So that her best friend wouldn't have to travel far, they had decided on a flat that was about the same distance from the schools.

Shimizu had chosen Karasuno High School, which had been Miyu's last choice. Going to this school after her brother didn't seem like a good idea to Miyu. After all, she would simply have been seen as Akiteru's little sister.

"I still don't know what exactly you want to study." her mother breathed out. "But if Aoba Josai can help you better, then I don't want to talk you into it."

Miyu loved her mother for her manner. Sometimes she was strict, but she was always fair to her children. She followed all their wishes as best she could. Just as she did with her wish, which she was able to express years later.

"I want to go into chemistry." Miyu announced and smiled slightly. "I'm interested in different scents, which is why scented candles or perfume are an option."

"Ohh, I see." The blonde-haired woman smiled. "As far as I know, Karasuno doesn't have the best options." , she remembered when Akiteru had told her about the different subjects and clubs.

"I hope it works out somehow. And if it doesn't, I'll find something else I like." Miyu smiled too, which almost made her mother cry. It had been a very long time since Miyu had smiled sincerely again. The change was already clearly visible.

Just like her new face, which had slowly taken on its proper shape as it healed. For Tsukishima and Akiteru, Miyu was now even more beautiful than before. A good sign that she would be accepted at secondary school.

"Then I hope you'll make lots of friends now." her mother smiled, which Miyu also hoped for. Right after the summer vacation, she would find out whether the operation had helped her. Find out what it was like to belong. To find friends with whom she could have fun.

"Me too..." Miyu whispered softly, closing her eyes to enjoy the last rays of sunshine. Soon it would become clear what she was really capable of.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now