Chapter 38

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Squeaking slightly and nervous, Miyu got ready for her date, which Shimizu had looked at dubiously. She had found out from Miyu that Oikawa had invited her on a date and told her what they had talked about. Shimizu didn't know much about such meetings. She herself had never been out with a boy, as she had never been interested in any of them before.

"And you're sure you're okay?" Shimizu wanted to know when Miyu had applied her perfume. "Uhm..yeah..." Miyu smiled, which had been the case more often recently.

Kaede had stayed away from Miyu at school, while bulimia was no longer addressed. For Miyu, other things had become more important that would change her life. For one thing, she continued to work on her scents, and for another, there was Oikawa, who had smiled at her again and again.

"If you say so." Shimizu went back to her homework, which she had not yet finished. To someone else, Shimizu would sound very cold, but Miyu knew what she was like. "I'll take care of myself." Miyu promised to reassure her best friend, who had heard all the situations.

"I'm happy for you, really. But..." Shimizu started to say and was immediately interrupted. "But you don't know how to deal with it. I know. I actually...don't either..." Miyu admitted at the end. "I'll see what my feelings tell me tonight and what I should do. Reisuke actually said that there's something there."

"Then I hope you find out." Shimizu smiled now, something that was rare to see on her. Not because she couldn't or was ashamed of it. Shimizu was simply a person who didn't smile much, nor did she show much joy.

The ringing interrupted the conversation, so Miyu put her bag over her shoulders and looked at herself in the mirror again. Miyu had braided three small plaits into her hair, so that her face wasn't covered too much. For her outfit, she had put on her white blouse and the black skirt that she liked best. To look a little more feminine and grown-up, Miyu had applied some blusher and lip gloss. There was a gold and a red bracelet on her left arm. All in all, she was satisfied.

"Have fun!" Shimizu wished after Miyu had exhaled and walked out the door. Not exactly nice, but Miyu just couldn't wait any longer.

Almost running, the fifteen-year-old wanted to run down the stairs, but stopped because her behavior was just stupid. No decent woman behaved like that. For that reason alone, Miyu breathed out again in the stairwell before she walked down them more slowly to get to the exit.

When she opened the door, a pleasant breeze met her, causing her hair to swirl briefly. Her bright eyes turned to Oikawa, who was engrossed in his cell phone, probably texting with Iwaizumi, before he put the phone in his pocket and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Too...much...?" "No." Oikawa grinned. "But unusual." he admitted and looked at everything about her. For him, Miyu didn't have to dress up like that. It would have been enough if she had put on normal pants and a sweater. Still, he thought it was kind of nice that she had gone to so much trouble.

"Where are we going?" Miyu wanted to know to get rid of her nervousness, since Oikawa hadn't said anything else. "Eating, what else?" grinned the player, which didn't really make sense to Miyu. It could well have been that she was going to a volleyball match with him.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now