Chapter 58

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"What..are you doing here...?" Miyu asked, almost in shock, as she had never expected to see these people again. Her gaze slid to Shimizu, who had put the food on the table and had probably invited the two of them.

Miyu didn't feel uncomfortable, but it didn't suit her. She actually wanted to tell her best friend what had happened today. She didn't want to kick the visitor out because it was rude.

"We were both in the neighborhood and thought we'd stop by." the young man smiled as Miyu slowly sat down on a chair. And not exactly casually.

"Uhm..together...?" That was all Miyu could get out of her mouth. This constellation was strange. Especially with the smile.

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other." came from the young woman, who looked much better than she had two years ago. Kaede had certainly been through a lot to get here.

"We met by chance in Tokyo when I came back from abroad. We already knew each other a bit, but bumping into each other was kind of...fate." grinned Reisuke, who must have been doing very well.

"Oh, I wanted to apologize to you again and thank you." Kaede began to speak before Miyu could say anything. "There was a lot of trouble because of me and I wasn't exactly nice to you either. You just wanted to help me and I refused."

"It's all right..." was all that came out of Tsukishima. Somehow she was just overwhelmed. Kaede and Reisuke were together, which would never have worked in the past.

"The therapy did me a lot of good. It was good to leave Aoba Josai and concentrate on my health. I've got my illness under control and I'm grateful to Reisuke for supporting me." said the black-haired girl.

"Bulemia is hard to get rid of once you're yours. I almost envy you that you were able to stop it so quickly. But I should have listened to you earlier when you caught me in the toilets." she continued, not letting anyone intervene. It seemed to Miyu that Kaede was a completely different person.

"I...don't know what to say..." Miyu admitted and looked at Shimizu, who preferred to stay out of it and had eaten in between. There was nothing big, but rather a few small things. There were small teacups on the table as they were probably asked for.

"I'm sorry that we've just ambushed you like this. But somehow you're like the connection between us." Reisuke smiled. His stature had somehow become more muscular. His hair had gotten a little shorter, which didn't look so bad.

"So, how are you getting on with your fragrances?" the young man wanted to know. "Quite well, I guess. It's getting better." she revealed honestly. Miyu didn't think she was very good at it. There was always something that could be improved.

"Hm, you look like you've been to a party..." Kaede mumbled a little thoughtfully, not wanting to bring up the subject just yet. "Oh... yes, I was at a birthday party..."

"Ohh, Oikawa's?" Reisuke asked. "How are things going with him?" he added, which Miyu had expected.

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