Chapter 74

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Miyu stayed with her family for the remaining days. She had spoken to Kei first, as he would be staying with the Karasuno in a small accommodation. Although the spring tournament was in Tokyo, Miyu had told him that she probably wouldn't have time to come to a match. She had enough to do with her new apartment and her prospective job. At the same time, she wanted to prepare for her studies and would watch the matches on TV if she had time.

According to Kei, none of this was a problem. He didn't want her to force anything on herself anyway. Kei knew that Miyu wasn't really interested in volleyball. Unlike Akiteru who had said he would show up. Of course, the bespectacled man couldn't resist making some provocative and condescending comments.

For Miyu, it was one of the good conversations between Kei. Somehow she loved his manner, even if it might sound cold to many. Outsiders didn't understand it. Many always believed that Kei hated everyone. But he didn't. Kei just couldn't show his feelings the way she and Akiteru did.

"And you're really not coming with us?" asked her big brother, who was going to Tokyo. Because in about twenty-four hours, the first Karasuno match would take place. "No, that's all right. I'll stay with mom and dad for a few more days."

"Then I'll probably see you for the last time today." smiled the blond, who had taken his sister in his arms. It had always been strange for Miyu to be hugged by her family. Because everyone except her mother was a giant. And now Miyu could see it clearly, as Akiteru hadn't even bothered to lean down.

"You can visit me in Tokyo sometime. I'm not out of the world." Miyu grinned and was almost cuddled by Akiteru. "Oh maaan. My little sister has grown up sooo much!" he cried half-jokingly, making Miyu laugh again after a long time. Because she had told them that she had broken up with Tooru and had told them all about it. Even about her attempt to bribe his father.

"It's okaaaay." came cheerfully from her mouth and was released after a few minutes. His smile was still visible on his face, which made Miyu smile even more. Akiteru was simply worth his weight in gold.

"Let me know if there's anything, okay?" he asked her. "I will. I promised Shimizu that too." the now eighteen-year-old nodded. She had spent her birthday, which she had actually wanted to celebrate with Tooru, with her family. Each of them had given her something for the apartment that she could still use.

"And write to me when you get to your apartment!" called Akiteru, who had already left the house. "I will!" Miyu called after him with a wave and could only shake her head. Akiteru really was a caring brother.

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