Chapter 37

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Several minutes had passed since the conversation. Miyu, who hadn't brought her jacket from school today, kept glancing at the scoreboard, which remained unchanged. She kept glancing at her cell phone to check the time and realized that she had been sitting here with Oikawa for almost an hour.

"I guess the bus isn't coming anymore..." she said and stood up from the bench. She shouldered her backpack and glanced briefly at both sides of the street. "Looks like it." agreed Oikawa, who had also stood up.

Darkness had already fallen, so the streetlights were already switched on. The clouds that could be seen were getting thicker and thicker.

"I'll take you home." said Oikawa, throwing his bag casually over his shoulder and simply walking off. "You don't have to." Miyu shook off his nice gesture, which he had ignored. "I'm not a monster. I don't let little girls go home alone."

Little girls? Miyu wasn't that little. Well, maybe compared to many boys, but her height was average. But Miyu hadn't said anything about that.

After the high school students had walked a few meters, it started to rain, which no one really liked. The weather forecast hadn't actually said anything about it, which was why it was annoying not to have an umbrella with them.

"Wait here." asked Miyu, who had grabbed his sleeve and simply pulled him to a roof before going into a small market. Grumbling about it for a moment, Oikawa stopped outside and finally looked at the rain, which was getting heavier and heavier.

"They only had one more." said Miyu, who was outside again after a few minutes and had opened a dark umbrella. For a brief moment, Oikawa looked at her body before he exhaled and took off his jacket. "Go on, put the jacket on."

"Huh? Why? It's yours." Miyu didn't understand why she should put on his sports jacket. However, his narrowed gaze was enough to tell her that he wouldn't tolerate any backtalk. With slightly flushed cheeks, Miyu took the jacket and put it on. At the same time, she pressed the umbrella into Oikawa's hand and took off her backpack.

Satisfied, Oikawa nodded a little and pointed to his arm. "Forget it..." mumbled Miyu, who stood under the umbrella but kept her distance so as not to get wet. Accepting this, Oikawa simply ran off.

"Don't be so shy and come closer." came from his lips when the two of them hadn't gotten very far. Biting her lip for a moment, Miyu ran a little closer and kept touching his arm. Oikawa had adjusted the pace for them and glanced down at the pink-haired girl from time to time.

A smile crept onto his lips when he saw her uncertainty. Miyu was really cute to him. She had always been different from other girls. She was never with him or ran after him. Well, Miyu had always had a hard time anyway. Still, it was something that had interested him.

Miyu was friendly and smart. Sometimes a little naive, but he had made up for that. He liked Miyu for who she was. For him, the inside had always been more important, because he knew exactly how superficial many people were. He was still just like her today. The girls talked about his looks, his talent as a passer. Just like the boys had talked about her looks.

"We're here." Oikawa heard her voice and shook his head slightly. In front of him was a medium-sized building that probably contained several apartments. There was a raised staircase in front of the entrance. The mailboxes were on the small veranda at the bottom of the stairs. Quite cozy from the outside.

"Thanks for bringing me here." thanked Miyu, who had already taken off his jacket and was now looking at the umbrella handle that Oikawa had held out. "You bought it."

"Keep it. After all, it's still raining." smiled Tsukishima, who had lowered her head a little and walked to the stairs, which were protected by a small roof.

"Go out with me!" Oikawa called out before Miyu had even touched the door. Her heart stopped before it beat faster against her chest. "W..what...?"

"Go out with me." repeated the player she had been looking at. He must really mean it. "W..Why...?" Miyu wanted to know. Why would a boy like him want to go out with her?

"Because I like you, silly." Oikawa grinned, which was extremely embarrassing for Miyu. Still, there was a reason why she wanted to talk to him today. Why she had sought his closeness today.

"Nah well..." Miyu nodded and was happy about it on the inside. Outwardly, however, she looked totally awkward in Oikawa's eyes. "I'll pick you up here on Friday night. Oh and...I want you to wear the perfume." The boy grinned before waving at her and disappearing.

"T..the...perfume...?" Miyu stuttered quietly, looking after him. She was really supposed to wear the perfume he hated?

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now