Chapter 50

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It was clear that some of the boys were now jealous of Kei. Especially Tanaka and Nishinoya, who were held tightly by Daichi so that they wouldn't besiege the pink-haired girl. Admittedly, she really was beautiful. But Shimizu had said that Miyu didn't like it when people talked about her appearance. Why this was the case was unclear to Daichi.

A little away from the players, Miyu now stood somewhat uncertainly in front of her brother, with whom she wanted to speak briefly. Better now than after the game, when everyone was tired. But Miyu didn't know where to start.

"Kei...about...", Miyu began to say and was immediately interrupted. "I don't care." , the blond just said and acted like he always did. "I've known for a long time and never said anything because I wasn't interested."

Good to know, Miyu thought. But she hadn't expected anything else from Kei. His character had always been provocative. However, it was a bit hurtful that he had never really cared.

"Actually, I never understood why you did it. But I realized what was going on, so I didn't interfere." Kei admitted, before grinning slightly.

"I guess a dwarf like you has to make up for his size with something." he said, which was a bit hurtful. "Heeey, Tsukishima! You can't talk to a beauty like that!" Tanaka shouted at him, which meant that the Aoba Josai players could now hear that the two were related.

Kei took an annoyed breath and adjusted his glasses. "What then? I talk to my sister the way I want to." came from Kei, who had looked at Tanaka, whose face had changed from angry to disbelieving.

"Sister?!" he shouted loudly, never imagining that Tsukishima had such a beautiful sister. Besides, he had never spoken of her.

"Can you stop that?" Miyu asked her brother, who would probably never change. At least when it came to comments like that. "With what? I don't need to talk to you to know that you're okay." he said and leaned down a little towards her.

"By the way, you can never deny your face and your family. Even with his operation, you'll always be the same." he said, which made Miyu swallow. Although Kei had only said it to her, everyone in the gym had heard it. Everyone now knew that her face had been operated on, which Kei had done on purpose.

"How can you be so mean to her?!" Kindaichi defended the pink-haired girl and wanted to stomp over to the boy, but was stopped by Iwaizumi.

"How can you let him talk to her like that?!"

"Because it looks like it's quite normal with them." Iwaizumi said, as Miyu had shown no reaction. From the looks of it, Miyu knew that something like this was coming. This Tsukishima was simply provocative and probably didn't just talk to her like that.

"I guess it's settled then, isn't it?" asked Kei, causing Miyu to nod and let him go to his team. So Kei had always accepted what she had done. Miyu had worried for nothing. Kei was just Kei, the way he was.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now