Chapter 15

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The week had passed relatively quickly and Miyu had more or less managed to settle in. All the changes had only become noticeable late on, which was why Miyu had now felt a great deal of tension.

As it was not compulsory to wear a uniform today, Miyu put on something similar. As a top, the student used a white and gray blouse, which was under two black straps that belonged to her black skirt. This skirt had two more straps at the waist to emphasize her figure. Miyu had also put on black and white sneakers so that she would be comfortable all day long.

So far, Miyu had only ever spoken to her father on the phone, who was visibly happy about today. Her mother had had the idea of meeting up at school first so that she could prepare her husband a little.

Now the fifteen-year-old was standing on the way to school so that not all the families would notice. Miyu nervously bit her lower lip and waited to face her father. When her bright eyes recognized her parents, Miyu breathed in and out deeply.

"Oh, what a beautiful girl. Are you in class with my daughter?" her father asked directly, which was slightly hurtful to Miyu. Only the slight nod of her mother could be seen, who wanted to say hello to her.

"I..." Miyu began, interrupting herself. "Hi Dad." finally came out of her mouth, the man's smile gradually disappearing. He had clearly recognized the voice. Only the face looked different, which made him angry but also disappointed.

"'re..." the man stuttered slightly, while Miyu had to pull himself together emotionally. "Miyu, your daughter..."

Unbelievably, her father looked at her face before he looked at his wife, who had obviously already known. So all the secrets and excuses had to do with the fact that Miyu had had an operation.

Completely horrified, the man turned around before he had gone. "Dad!" Miyu called after him as tears welled up in her eyes. Her mother, who couldn't really say anything, lowered her eyes. You could have guessed that he wouldn't take it well.

Without saying anything to her, Miyu ran off. The day was already over anyway, so she didn't mind disappearing from the school grounds. Her path led to where her father, who had run a few meters ahead of her, had disappeared.

"Dad!" Miyu called after him. "Dad, please...!" she continued to plead with him, tears streaming down her cheeks. " explain..."

Her father quickly stopped on the path, which is why Miyu had also stopped. Her heart ached at the sight. "I...I know...this is sudden. But...I did it because...because I had no other way out..." Miyu began to explain, hoping that he would understand.

"It was my face..." "That of my daughter, who was probably ashamed to have a face like mine." interrupted her father, who had somehow pronounced everything strangely.

He slowly turned around and walked a little closer. His eyes looked directly into hers, shimmering through the tears. Uncertainty spread through Miyu as she realized that it had been a mistake to keep everything from him. But she couldn't take it back.

"Dad, I..." Miyu tried to talk to him again and heard something that hurt her deeply. "I don't know you." it came out of his mouth before her own father had left her standing alone on the sidewalk.

"Dad...please..." Miyu cried a little now, not even daring to run after him. A decision that Miyu might regret one day.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now