Chapter 9

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Several hours passed while Miyu lay under the knife. Hours in which her mother and Akiteru had waited until everything was ready. When she woke up, Miyu felt the change on her face, as the areas had been taped and she had noticed a pulling sensation.

The young woman grumbled softly, seeing nothing but blackness, as her eyes were halfway open but she couldn't open them fully. The thin adhesive strips were on her eyelids, which she could barely move.

"You came through the operation well. The wounds will take a few days to heal a little." said a man in the room who had probably also operated on her. "Until then, the plasters have to stay on so that nothing gets infected."

Miyu nodded slowly. She had been informed about everything before the operation and knew about the side effects. The doctors said that many things could go wrong, which was the case with every operation. Although Miyu had read up a lot about this hospital, mistakes could happen here too.

"But we can tell you that we are very confident. Your procedures weren't difficult and there were a few minor things that we've done before."

It was nice that the doctor said they were minor. For Miyu, they weren't minor. Maybe it wouldn't be obvious on her face, but it was a big change in her life.

"Don't worry, Miyu. We've got your back, no matter what." said her brother, who wanted to let the doctor speak first. The corners of Tsukishima's mouth lifted slightly. Her brother really was a good soul.

He had often made mistakes, but Miyu didn't really mind. In his high school days, he wanted to be something like a cool big brother to Kei, who was on the volleyball team.

Unfortunately, it wasn't even enough for him to be a substitute, which Kei finally found out at an official match. Since then, Kei didn't like volleyball, but played on his middle school team because of Yamaguchi.

With his height, he could actually become a good player if he tried a little harder. But maybe Kei just needed a good team and the time to develop further.

"Thank you...for everything..." Miyu said gratefully. Without Akiteru and her mother, she might have fallen even further into despair. "I'll pay you back as soon as I can..."

"You don't have to." her mother said. "It was your wish, and since you've never wished for anything, this is a gift to you."

Because Miyu couldn't see their faces, she couldn't see how her mother smiled. It touched her heart that neither of them asked for the money back. However, Miyu wasn't going to let that sit on her head either. As soon as she had a small job, she would save the money and pay it back anyway.

"But of course I hope you don't change too much after that." her mother hoped, which made Miyu smile slightly again. "Don't worry. I won't change anything else about myself. It was enough for me to have these three things fixed." , promised the young woman, who only wanted to concentrate on her recovery from now on.

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