Chapter 72

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That evening, Miyu was glad that Shimizu had not yet gone to her parents' house. The pink-haired girl couldn't sleep all night and kept waking up to continue crying. Never in her life had she thought that a separation could be so painful. She always thought that the insults and comments about her looks were bad. But she was very wrong. Breaking up with someone you really loved was a thousand times worse.

And so it was that Miyu didn't exactly look fit the next morning. A slightly greyish color was visible under her eyes, which had formed due to the lack of sleep. If it went on like this, she would literally have very large dark circles under her eyes.

You probably wouldn't have seen them before, as there was no eyelid lift yet. This just showed Miyu that her operation was really visible. At least if you were familiar with it.

So looking at herself in the mirror, Miyu hated herself. Since the plastic surgery, she thought that beauty could help her. Could make friends. Belong to a popular group. Be accepted.

The way she felt now, Miyu was not beautiful. No, she was ugly, even with her actual character. White lies were okay in many cases. But to lie directly to a human being and to do so deliberately was just awful.

"Miyu?" asked Shimizu, who had appeared at the door. She was leaving today, as the spring tournament would be starting soon. Miyu knew that she would only see Shimizu today, as she would be leaving soon.

"Do you want to come with us?" the black-haired girl asked, which Miyu declined with thanks. "Are you sure? You'd see your brother again."

"I'm sure I'll see Kei before he gets to your bus." Miyu said exhaustedly and tried to smile a little. "I'll be fine, really."

"Not exactly believable given your condition." Shimizu said honestly, but he couldn't do anything else if Miyu didn't want him to. "The furniture will be picked up today and already moved to my new apartment. So I'm going to my parents in a day or two. I can manage that."

Shimizu exhaled softly and nodded. "That's fine, but let me know if there's anything. I can still get you a ticket for the Frühking tournament."

Grateful, Miyu smiled a little more genuinely and ran up to her best friend to give her a hug. Throughout the years, Shimizu had always been there for her. Even when Miyu had ignored her in elementary school, so that she wouldn't be beaten up.

"Take care of yourself." Miyu asked the black-haired girl, who had tightened the hug a little more. "I can only return the favor." smiled Shimizu, who would be going to another university.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now