Chapter 23

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Loud laughter rang out from the students present. In the middle of it all was Miyu, who didn't feel quite so comfortable. Although some of her classmates were here, it was a very strange situation.

"I never thought there would be two pretty girls here." said an older student. "Yes, they're really cute." another laughed and addressed Miyu and Kaede, who was also here.

"There are other girls too." said a first-year student from a parallel class who had taken Kaede with her. "Hm, yes, I think girls with a round face are cute too."

The whole situation was somehow getting more and more embarrassing, Miyu thought. "Oh, I'm not that pretty. Miyu is much prettier than me." Kaede interjected, which only made Miyu shake her head. What was she talking about?!

"No..ehm..." Miyu didn't know what to say to that. She felt uncomfortable right now because the attention was on her. She tapped at her glass, which she hadn't even drunk from.

"Oh, it must be nice to have a natural beauty." another girl gushed, which made Kaede smile. "We just got a little luckier." she said, nudging Miyu a little from the side. "Right?"

"Uhm..." Miyu had opened her mouth slightly, as this statement came a little too quickly. Natural beauty... of course.

As Tsukishima said nothing more, there was complete silence. Embarrassed, the eyes of those present turned slightly away from Miyu. From then on, she knew that her secret was out in the open.

"So, what are you doing meddling in their affairs?" asked Oikawa, who was standing between the chairs and looking at Kaede condescendingly. "I...didn't know..." "Maybe there are reasons you don't understand. Do you think you're something better now?" Oikawa continued to ask, not even looking at Miyu.

She was also unable to say anything and swallowed. Was Omikawa protecting her? Why and for what? Was he not angry about his mother? Or had he been able to work it out with her?

"No but...I didn't know that Miyu..." Kaede stopped speaking. Oikawa wouldn't really listen to her anyway. Even Reisuke didn't interfere here and had been looking at Miyu's face. You could actually see the operation if you looked closely. Only no one had ever brought it up before.

"How disgusting do you have to be?" Oikawa asked and was really insulting towards Kaede. Hearing something like that from his mouth was new to Miyu.

"Shittikawa! Come on now!" Iwaizumi shouted annoyed when he could see how uncomfortable Miyu was getting. The way she looked, she wanted to crawl away. "But Iwa-chaan..." whined the player, feeling a blow to the back of his head.

"Let's go. They didn't just meet here like that." Iwaizumi hissed and apologized to everyone for Oikawa's behaviour before pulling him out of the bar.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now