Chapter 71

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After several meters, during which Miyu was sure that Tooru would neither follow her nor speak to her again, she started crying. Her right hand automatically placed itself in front of her mouth, while her body had already bent as she ran.

The tears became stronger, which was why her eyes had already turned red. Her heart was bleeding, crying out for Tooru, whom she had loved dearly. He had become an important person for her, who had picked her up and brought her back to reality.

After her family, Shimizu and his mother, he had been the first person who had recognized her true beauty and had loved her for years. Leaving him today was the hardest and stupidest decision of her life.

But that was exactly what she had told his father. Said that she would leave him so that he wouldn't get into trouble. That people wouldn't talk badly about him because she was by his side.

Breaking up with Tooru was stupid. To regret it, for sure. To continue to love him, of course. To hurt herself and become unhappy, terrible.

But what else was Miyu supposed to do? She didn't stand a chance against his father. Besides, Miyu was afraid that this man would go after her family or Shimizu. No one should be punished because of her. But punishing herself wasn't really the solution either.

In front of her apartment building, Miyu stopped under the roof. Her eyes fell on the stairs, which she had already used once in the rain. More often, actually, but today she was much more aware of it. It was right here that she had decided on Tooru.

This was the moment when she had already made up her mind. Working through the past with Tooru gave her the push she had needed. As far as she knew, Tooru still had the umbrella.

"Miyu, what are you doing?!" Shimizu called from the front door, as she could see her best friend from the window. She had quickly realized that something was wrong and had run down here.

"Shimizu..." cried Miyu, who had turned her head towards her. A cry that Shimizu had only heard intensely once in her life. And that was on the day when Miyu no longer wanted her life and had opened up because of all the comments.

But today, this sadness, this crying was completely different. Miyu was suffering and Shimizu could see that in her usually bright and kind eyes. She realized that today was a terrible day for her.

"Please...take away this pain..." Miyu begged. " through this break up..."

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now