Chapter 47

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As always, the first day of school was quite a highlight. The new students walked around in large groups and looked for some friends to go clubbing with. It was slightly amusing to see some of them fighting over a place in a club. The rush was quite big for many.

For Miyu, however, nothing had changed in the last two years. As always, she sat alone in her chemistry club, which didn't bother her at all. It was safe to assume that chemistry wasn't for everyone.

"She's beautiful..." some first-years muttered as Miyu stood at the entrance to the gym to talk to Oikawa. She had been thinking all day about what she could do for Shimizu. Since she didn't know anything about volleyball herself, this club was the only way to make a difference at Karasuno.

The comments, however, made the student feel insecure again. The shyness came out, which Iwaizumi had quickly noticed. "Don't stare at her like that!" he scolded the newcomers, two of whom looked familiar to Miyu.

"Why not? She looks really good. Besides, it was a compliment." said the boy, whose hair was up. "There are a few reasons."

That was all Iwaizumi said. There was an incident last year that was much worse. Oikawa ended up calling the boy a rabid dog because he was quite aggressive. However, Iwaizumi had been her savior and was able to reprimand the boy. Since then, Miyu had been left alone.

"I'm looking for Oikawa." Miyu addressed the ace, who had exhaled. "Idiotkawa left earlier. That idiot overdid it again and hurt his knee." he explained, which was not nice information.

"Hm..." mumbled the pink-haired girl, which the newcomers clearly found cute. Miyu looked innocent and insecure to everyone. But that was exactly what Miyu wanted to get rid of and not come across like that again.

"What's it about?" Iwaizumi wanted to know and stood a little in front of the young woman so that no one would stare at her. "I wanted to ask him for something." Miyu said with a smile and was grateful that Iwaizumi had shielded her.

"You'll either have to go to the hospital or go to his house." , the boy announced. If Miyu was honest, she had never been to Oikawa's house. She didn't even know what kind of house he lived in. They usually met outside, at his mother's or at her apartment. Probably because he didn't like his own house.

"Then...I'll go there..." she mumbled to herself, which Iwaizumi found amusing. "I can take myself there if you want to wait. You look a bit lost."

"D...Don't..." the pink-haired girl wavered and didn't want Iwaizumi to have to accompany her. She would find the house without him. "Are you sure?" the dark-haired man asked. "Mh..." Miyu nodded in confirmation and finally set off so that she wouldn't disturb the training any further.

"Who was she?" the first-year student, who had called her beautiful, wanted to know. "Oikawa's girlfriend." Iwaizumi announced so that the boys would leave her alone.

"Whaaat?" they all asked, almost in shock. "He's really lucky..."

"He doesn't see the outside of her, Kindaichi. You all shouldn't." Iwaizumi grumbled annoyed and had known for some time what Miyu was struggling with. It was comments like that that made her feel insecure.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now