Chapter 84

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The following days were very stressful for Miyu in addition to work and university. Because Tooru really wanted to carry out his plan, he had looked for an appointment at the registry office the very next day so that Miyu would officially belong to the Oikawa family on paper. At the same time, however, he had to find two people to sign the paper. Because, as was the case in many countries, this marriage had to be confirmed.

The only person who came into question for Miyu and would not reveal anything to anyone was Shimizu. When Miyu had told her the plan, her best friend was pretty quiet at first. Nothing else was to be expected.

However, Shimizu had immediately been happy for Miyu. Because the black-haired girl could never forget how desperate and hurt Miyu had been crying in front of the house entrance.

This meant that Miyu had the maid of honor who would sign the paper. Miyu had known who Tooru's witness was from the start. Heijime Iwaizumi, his best friend and the last person Miyu had seen before she went to her family home.

There was no great reaction from him when Miyu met him. Iwaizumi had actually already known that evening what was behind her feigned façade. The only thing he did was to take Miyu in his arms and apologize.

To apologize for not stopping her and for not waking Tooru up. Because he had often tried to tell Tooru that Miyu must have played everything. Unfortunately, Tooru was a real idiot kawa.

On the whole, the secret wedding had been a success. The white dress Miyu had been wearing hadn't really been expensive. It was more of a second-hand dress that she could barely find.

For Tooru, the dress hadn't been very important anyway. He had loved Miyu anyway and the clothes had been a minor matter. Of course, Miyu looked beautiful in it.

But as he had often said, Miyu was beautiful in herself. Her character, her way of speaking and behaving. Her humming, which he could hear from time to time when she was happy. In those moments, Tooru always had the middle school girl sitting at the bus stop in mind.

So after the wedding was over, the time had come for Tooru to make it public.

Miyu hadn't been able to avoid it at work at university, as the ring had been quite conspicuous. Tooru hadn't been able to resist buying something expensive.

It was more difficult for him. While he had told his sister, his nephew and his mother when he had visited Miyu in person and they had been delighted, things had been very different for his father. He had found out during an interview when Tooru was asked about the ring he had recently started wearing. From then on, it was clear to his father that he could no longer do anything against Miyu. Because if he said and did anything, it would quickly become public knowledge. And that would not be a good option for his own business.

This meant that Miyu had peace of mind from the man who had made her leave her love.

"I don't want to..." Miyu mumbled quietly when Tooru tried to drag her to one of his matches. "Oh come on. Some of the Aoba Josai are there too." her husband tried again, grinning a little beggingly. Humming quietly to herself, the pink-haired girl looked away. "No..."

"Don't be so childish. You never or very rarely come to a match." the young man said reprovingly. "I know you're not the biggest volleyball fan, but you could at least cheer me on once as my wife."

Miyu bit her lip lightly. "Mhh..." "Stop trying to persuade her, Shittykawa.", Iwaizumi helped her, as he often did in some cases. "Iwa-chaaan! How can you be on her side now?!" the brown-haired man whined. Who was being childish here?

"Because you're getting on both our nerves." said the dark-haired man, crossing his arms. "How naaaaasty!" grumbled Tooru, which made Miyu smile slightly. Tooru was actually right. As a woman, she hadn't been to any of his games yet. It would certainly be nice to see Kindaichi and the others.

"Alright... I'll come with you..." the pink-haired girl gave in, who had tied her hair back into small braids for the first time in a long time, exposing her face. "Nah, it's alright." Tooru grinned, which Iwaizumi could only acknowledge by shaking her head.

This relationship, this marriage, was really very strange, but also beautiful.

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