Chapter 60

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In the first free period, which was actually the first lesson, Miyu sat in the chemistry room as usual and tested new scents that she had mixed together. After Tooru had said that he really liked the scent he had created, it had motivated Miyu to make a few more such scents.

She thought of Iwaizumi, who had accompanied her home, and mixed a scent that might suit him. But Miyu also had something in mind for Shimizu, Reisuke and Kaede. And that was just because of the conversation they had.

Shimizu had learned all about the birthday after the visitor had left. She had already told Miyu that she had suspected something, as her looks had probably shown that she wanted to get rid of them.

"Can we talk?" asked Tooru, who was standing in front of her table with a volleyball under his arm and had been at morning training earlier. Miyu looked up cautiously and didn't respond. This meant that Tooru would listen to him.

Exhaling softly, he walked around the large table to sit down on the chair next to her. Without saying anything, Tooru put down a few small vials of reagent, which Miyu looked at questioningly.

"To apologize for my old man." Tooru said, which surprised Miyu a little, but she opened the bottles straight away to smell them. "Cherry, tulips and white narcissus..." the pink-haired girl mumbled and closed her eyes with a brief smile.

"I thought, since it'll soon be spring again, you'd like to add a few new scents." Tooru explained to her. An incredibly nice gesture that wasn't even necessary.

"You don't have to apologize about your father. Iwaizumi has already explained everything to me..." Miyu now spoke, testing out the new scents and making a note of everything in her notebook.

Smiling slightly, Tooru looked at the thick and worn-out book. It still looked very messy to him. But he had accepted that Miyu would never change her sanctuary. She wouldn't even write her first scents in a new notebook.

"I told him again yesterday not to interfere. But knowing him, he won't give up for a long time," the setter told Miyu what he had already suspected. "Iwaizumi told me about your sister." she said on the subject so that Tooru wouldn't have to worry.

"Kaede and Reisuke came to visit me, by the way." Miyu now said. Not because she wanted to distract him from his father, but so that Tooru didn't have to keep apologizing and justifying himself. For Miyu, the matter was long over after yesterday. She had already accepted what was going on in this family.

"Is that so?" he asked slightly snidely, as he didn't really like either of them. Especially because he was jealous of Reisuke at the time. "They're a couple, by the way." Miyu immediately realized and smirked slightly as she tested their mixed scents with her sense of smell.

"Nah, then I don't have to worry." grinned Tooru, who would love to hear Miyu talk so much more often. When she was in her element, she was generally very open and talked a bit more.

"So everything's settled with me and my silly girl." , he pronounced, placing his index finger and thumb under her chin to pull her face towards him. "Mhh..." Miyu grumbled to herself, who had resisted slightly as she wanted to continue with the scents.

"Coooome on now. Give your best boyfriend in the world a kiiiiiiiiss." he half-sang and would probably continue to get on her nerves. Giving in, Miyu turned her face to Tooru himself, who gave her a kiss on the lip and started to grin. Sometimes Miyu really wondered what was going on inside this boy.

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