Chapter 25

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At school, Miyu had kept away from the older students as much as possible, which had not gone unnoticed by Reisuke. Every time he had tried to speak to Miyu, she had gone out of her way, which had not only given him a questionable look. No, Oikawa had also noticed and wondered what else had happened that evening.

To find out what it was, Oikawa had watched the girl all day and realized that it must have had something to do with Reisuke's friend. Those looks from him had been clear, which was why Oikawa had to pull himself together so as not to interfere any more.

Because Iwaizumi had already told him that his behavior had been wrong. Although Kaede had deserved it. She had simply judged Miyu without knowing exactly why she was having the operation. And Oikawa had the feeling that Keade was up to something and was behaving strangely as a human. She had also just approached him about middle school.

Before he could talk to Miyu, however, he would have to find a suitable opportunity. The school had come up with the idea of holding a spontaneous event, which had been organized a few days ago. Mostly by the various clubs, which was why it had more or less passed Oikawa by.

"Hey, Miyu! Come join us!" called Keade, who was talking to some strange students who had picked up a soft from an art club stall. The girl was reluctant to go there because there was one boy she never wanted to see again.

"What is...?" Miyu, who had been so nice and helped the cooking club sell the food, wanted to know. Actually, she would much rather be in her own club room inventing more scents.

"He said he's from the same middle school as you and Oikawa." Kaede said, which made Miyu look at him briefly. She knew that. Why did Kaede want her to meet him again? Well, of course she didn't know what had happened. None of them did.

"Wait..." the boy began to say, leaning forward before he started laughing slightly. "There's no such thing. The orc." he said directly, which had made his friends laugh, but caused Miyu pain again. "What, she's the orc you told me about?"

"Yes, she confessed her love to me back then. As if I wanted to be with someone like that." the boy laughed, which Miyu didn't find funny at all. Neither did Oikawa, who had now heard exactly what was going on. So this boy was one of the reasons why Miyu allowed herself to change. The reason why she had felt even uglier.

"Shut up!" Miyu yelled now that she was tired of being laughed at by him. "What, are we getting sentimental?" smirked Koji, who couldn't stop dredging up the past. "Are you starting to cry again?"

Furious at this, Miyu bit her inner lower lip before simply doing what she thought was right. Without even thinking, she grabbed the cup full of juice and threw the liquid at him.

"What!?" yelled Koji, who had stood up. "I'm glad you rejected me! How can you still be so childish and behave like this? You're a disgrace to your gender!" Miyu yelled at him, impressing not only Oikawa, who had actually wanted to help her. So she had long since gotten over this boy.

Shaking her head at this behavior, Miyu simply ran away. She no longer wanted to be anywhere near Koji. For Kaede, however, this was behavior that she had not seen coming. It seemed that Miyu had had just as hard a time as she had in the past.

Only Miyu had received a lot of attention again, which she hadn't really liked. She didn't realize, however, that she had cut herself in half. Because the way Oikawa told and showed her, she really was a disgusting person.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now