Chapter 12

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Together with the group, Miyu walked to the classroom she would have for the next three years. The respective years were divided into four to five classes, depending on how many students had enrolled. The division included later studies, which is why the upper classes four and five were divided for such students. Because Miyu was in her first year of school and wanted to study later, she was assigned to classes 1-4.

As Miyu had learned, there would be no 1-5 this year. This was probably because many middle school students were interested in other schools.

Once in the classroom, Miyu looked for a seat that wasn't in the middle. Getting attention was not her plan, so she preferred one of the back seats. But that was also because people couldn't gossip behind her. Because in middle school, when she had one of the front seats, the comments were clearly audible.

After the students had gathered and sat down, it slowly became a little quieter in the room when her class teacher arrived. According to her list, his best subject was English, which quite few Japanese could do. But since Miyu was interested in chemistry anyway, she had studied the language a lot. Many of these expressions had also been translated into other languages, which was a little more difficult.

"Good morning, welcome to Aoba Josai Secondary School. As you've probably already seen outside, you've already been shown the clubs that you can choose for yourselves. But don't forget that you don't have forever to sign up for a club." The teacher began to speak and wrote his name on the board, which Miyu had simply memorized in her head.

"Since today is your first day of school, we'll do introductions and discuss some things about the next few years. At the end of this week, your families can come to visit to see everything as well.", the man explained and finally started in the front row.

One by one, the students introduced themselves, with Miyu listening particularly carefully to Kaede. Many of the boys in this class had listened to her much better than the other girls. Not surprising. Kaede was really beautiful.

It was now Miyu's turn in the third row at the back. The pink-haired girl stood up slowly and was slightly unsure about her performance. As soon as she stood up, she heard the whole class whispering about her appearance. Although, they weren't negative comments.

So far, Miyu hadn't looked at many of her classmates. Only Kaede, who had also looked at her. A soft smile could be seen on her lips, which had given Miyu some courage.

"My name is Miyu Tsukishima. I'm looking forward to the next three years with you." Miyu introduced herself and bowed a little in decorum. Whispers could be heard again, which affected her appearance.

Her bright eyes were now focused on a boy who had not opened his mouth at all. He had brown hair and brown eyes, which seemed somehow familiar to her.

Her heart tightened as this boy's eyes widened slightly when he heard her name. He looked shocked, but also beautiful. No doubt he would be one of the most popular students here at school.

Miyu blinked briefly before she simply sat down again and that very boy stood up. A grin spread across his face before he opened his mouth. "Tooru Oikawa, nice to meet you too." he said, causing Miyu's eyes to widen.

"No...not him..." the pink-haired girl thought to herself. "Not Oikawa, who was the most popular boy at Kitagawa Daiichi. He will have recognized me one hundred percent by my name..."

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now