Chapter 79

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On her day off, Miyu made her way to the lab to see everything properly and get to know everyone. So far, she only knew the boss, whom she had met during a video call. Miyu felt a sense of excitement that she had never felt before. She was pleased to know that she could build her brand here.

"And here are the different lab rooms we're working on. Like everyone else, you'll have your own space to make your fragrances." smiled the black-haired woman who had introduced her. "Fumiko will be here soon because she has another meeting."

Fumiko was the head of the laboratory. Miyu had wondered why she hadn't already been to the reception. "Here in these cupboards are the various fragrances, scented oils and many other things that you can use. But I'll ask you to enter everything in the computer so that we can reorder enough."

"Got it." Miyu nodded, having memorized everything in her head. "So, here we are." , smiled the woman. "Here is your workplace. It's up to you what you do. But you'll have to help with big projects." she went on to explain and showed her the cupboards, which were already well stocked. "You will be provided with a tabler in which you can make a note of everything. It will be stored on his profile so that nobody can access it."

Miyu, who took a closer look at the tablet, nodded briefly and typed a few things. "And this?" she wanted to know. "Oh, these are group folders that everyone can access. You can find ongoing projects or questions from other lab technicians who are stuck. Teamwork is very important to us and we support each other if someone doesn't know what else needs to be mixed into a fragrance."

That sounded very interesting and good to Miyu. It gave her the opportunity to ask her colleagues about her own fragrances. Just like Reisuke had done once when it came to the smell of vanilla.

"Miyu, nice to meet you in person and to see you too." Fumiko greeted her. "Thank you too." , the pink-haired girl bowed. "I hope Yuki didn't overwhelm you."

"No, not at all." Miyu waved it off. "It's rather...impressive..." Fumiko laughed lightly. "It is, indeed. But I don't want you to work right away today. You've only had your first few classes at your university. Don't overextend yourself right away."

Miyu was touched. The employees here were treated very well. She was glad to have got the job and to be working with them. "It's fine." she nodded and Fumiko smiled at her.

"Once you've settled in a bit, I really want to smell your scents. I've been looking forward to it ever since your application and our conversation." Miyu smiled too, embarrassment showing a little. It was hard to believe that even Fumiko was curious about it.

"Just like she described you." , came from her, which was why Miyu had looked away. Tooru's mother had probably spoken highly of her. "Don't worry about it. You're always welcome here." Fumiko laughed again, not wanting Miyu to act shy. She was very sure that this young woman would become more open.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now