Chapter 87

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Loud screams could be heard, which Miyu would have preferred not to hear. The air was slightly stuffy, while many different scents wafted into her nose. Among them were men's aftershaves and many perfumes or body lotions that didn't always smell good.

Miyu had thought many times about why she had reacted so strangely to Tooru's mixture of scents. After she herself had not been able to tolerate some of it at work, she had gone to the doctor as promised to find out if everything was all right with her nose.

According to the doctor, her sense of smell had been fine. But he had wondered why she had overreacted to some scents. As Tooru had once said, she was actually quite hardened. After all, she had a lot to learn about scents herself. She herself had had several failures, which had even given Shimizu a headache.

Loud whistling now reached Miyu's ears, which she wanted to cover. However, this was not so easy when you had to walk through the crowd and still have someone with you. It would be more of a surprise for Tooru today, which was why Miyu wouldn't have any VIP seats this time.

"Iwaizumi!" Miyu called out a little, as he had kept one of the front seats free. He smiled with relief, as he hadn't really known whether she would be able to do it on her own. "You made it." "Yes...but it was exhausting..." Miyu admitted, slightly embarrassed, and stood at the stand. "Thanks for the seat." she thanked him straight away. "No problem."

"Mhhh..." A tug on the black skirt could be felt, which was why Miyu had looked down. It didn't take many words to know what her daughter Tamiko wanted. With a gentle smile, Miyu picked up the brown-haired girl, who had placed her small paws on her chest.

"Where is he?" the girl wanted to know and tried to find her father, who must be somewhere in the field, with her bright eyes. "Iwa.chan...?" Her question was addressed directly to the young man, who had even adopted this nickname for her without any objections. Oikawa was still struck by the word.

"Do you see the player who is concentrating at the line?" he asked the girl, who nodded. "That's him." Iwaizumi smiled slightly, as it was not always easy for a small child to see everything.

With her eyes now slightly open and shining, Tamiko looked down at the field. "Mom..." came softly from her mouth, which is why Miyu gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I know." the pink-haired girl smiled, knowing exactly how she felt at the moment.

Her daughter was sometimes just like her. Shy and embarrassed. But in cases of fascination, she could show great friendliness and passion. Every now and then in the family circle, her daughter had a few sayings that could have come from Tooru. In addition, her daughter shared her father's hobby with him. When Tooru had handed her a volleyball for the first time, she had immediately tried to shoot it over the net in the garden.

Funnily enough, she managed a net roll, which had made Tooru whine like a toddler, as he couldn't always manage it as an adult. But she was also fascinated by the many scents Miyu had made.

"There..." came quietly out of her mouth when Tooru had hit the ball over the net with a smash and then stood concentrated behind the line again. "Are you going to call out to him?" Miyu asked her daughter, who shook her head in shame.

Smiling, Iwaizumi shook his head before he waited briefly for the second serve and then blew his whistle. A whistle that Tooru quickly recognized among many others.

"Man...Iwa-chaaan..." he thought to himself and hated it when his best friend tried to provoke him. With the third ball in his hands, Tooru gritted his teeth a little before looking up for a moment to show Iwaizumi that he should stop.

But then his eyes widened out of pure joy, slightly filled with tears of joy. The gentle smile of his wife Miyu could be seen, who had their daughter in her arms and was now waving slightly shyly with Miyu. Tooru couldn't have asked for a bigger present for today's match. The game, which was also the final and Tooru really wanted to take the trophy home.

Grinning, Tooru now looked at the opposing field. He didn't just want to win this game for himself and his team. No, he wanted to show his sweet little daughter the best moment of a game and make her happy.

And it was precisely this gesture that Miyu could recognize very well after all these years, which is why another smile appeared on her lip. These finally touched her daughter's temple, who clawed a hand into her white blouse in excitement. "He will win for you." Miyu said to her, causing little Tamiko to focus her eyes even more on her father.

"Mhh..." Tamiko nodded slightly and was glad to have these two sides of her parents, who had told her early on that inner beauty would always be more important than anything else she would see and hear one day. And it was precisely for this reason that she had been given the name Tamiko, which meant "child with many beauties".

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now