Chapter 5

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Miyu wiped away her tears immediately after the basket as she walked to the bus stop. She didn't want anyone to see her hurt side and make fun of it. Her heart ached as Miyu thought again of the insult Koji had thrown at her. Ugly troll, and even worse, orc.

Was she really so ugly that these two creatures were compared to her? Was her face so disfigured that you could see these creatures in front of you? Was her appearance really that bad?

Thinking about this, Miyu sat at her usual bus stop. The bus wouldn't arrive for a few minutes, so she could think about her future. On the one hand, Miyu thought about simply disappearing. After all, no one at school would look for her and miss her. On the other hand, Miyu thought more and more about having something done to herself. It didn't have to be much, but at least it would make her look prettier.

To pass the time, Miyu took her headphones out of her backpack to listen to some music on her cell phone. That way she could forget the whispers about her and not even hear them.

Lowering her head a little, Miyu automatically started humming while moving her feet a little. In many ways, music was a salvation for problems that would not simply disappear. The music also calmed the girl. Distracting her from her actual thoughts.

Some might find it strange. But music was something Miyu would never laugh at. Music was constant and could express all kinds of feelings. Whether it was sadness, happiness or joy. It was all there.

Music would not simply disappear from her life. It was there for her when she needed it. Strangely enough, Miyu had forgotten about her own problems.

She didn't even think about what she looked like anymore. Believed that the music told her how beautiful she was. Well, the truth was quite different. Miyu was not beautiful. She was ugly, just like everyone said she was.

Miyu wished for a snub nose which came out with slightly larger eyes. A slightly fuller lip, as hers was currently a little thinner and above all not even. Her actual body had already changed in elementary school. And that was only because the children had called her fat.

Just as Miyu was about to start a new song, which played a quieter melody, she heard a soft laugh from the side, causing her to look up a little. As always, her hair covered half her face, so the boy at the bus stop couldn't really see it.

His laughter flattened, but he turned his head away a little and smiled. How nice he was to laugh at her appearance. He could at least have done it a little more discreetly.

As if of her own accord, Miyu turned her face away from him again so that he wouldn't see her new tears. What she hadn't known at that moment, however, was that the boy hadn't laughed because of her looks, but because of the way she had moved her feet to the music.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now