Chapter 53

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As Oikawa wanted to give his father some time to get his bearings in Japan again, since he had been abroad for a long time, he did not want Miyu to meet him straight away. The moment when Oikawa found it appropriate was his upcoming birthday, which would be held at the house as usual. Among many guests, his father would not do anything bad, nor would he make any noise so that he would not be seen negatively by anyone.

Oikawa's birthday was in the summer as usual, but it was usually celebrated after the high school tournament had taken place. His father wanted Oikawa to concentrate on the game and school. Many of his friends knew about Oikawa's success. But for the setter, it was pure stress to have to talk to everyone. Above all, they could do without the comments, as it was always about the same thing.

His looks, his talent, his future and many other things that were more or less irrelevant to Oikawa. Nobody was interested in his feelings. Nobody knew how he would feel. Only Iwaizumi, Miyu, his sister and his mother knew better.

But he couldn't invite his mother for this birthday because his parents had hated each other since they had separated. Although, his father had rather hated his mother because of what she wanted to do as a person and as a woman herself. And there would probably be a problem with Miyu, who had the same goal.

Oikawa didn't know how his father would react when he found out what Miyu's hobby was. He might hate her, reject her and would even do anything to get rid of her. And Oikawa was afraid of that. He loved Miyu. He loved this pink-haired girl so much that he would even leave the country with her.

Ever since he had seen Miyu for the first time, he had been smitten. The little wallflower who had hidden away from everyone because she thought she was ugly and had believed the other students. The way she always hid her face with her hair, which she occasionally plaited together like on her first date.

Her shy nature, which came out when she was embarrassed and didn't know what to say or how to react. The tenacity she had when it came to her passion. How passionate she was about making her own fragrances and sticking to her opinion.

Things that hardly anyone noticed or could see. Things that Miyu hid from most of the students so as not to have to hear any comments. Sometimes Oikawa caught his girlfriend wrinkling her nose thoughtfully. This usually happened in the chemistry room when he had secretly observed her. Her forehead, which she sometimes wrinkled because she didn't like something about a scent.

Oikawa loved all these little things about her, which his father would probably not agree with. He would rather have a model or a girl who had rich parents. Who was wealthy and probably just after his money.

And that was exactly what Oikawa hated, which was why he pushed many girls away. Even if one of the girls just wanted to be friendly. At some point, they would all just see the money and his success. And this was something Miyu hadn't cared about from the beginning.

"Hey, Shittykawa, focus." Iwaizumi grumbled during the training that had taken place before the high school tournament. "I am!" came back from Oikawa and his best friend gave him a slightly annoyed look.

"You messed up your serve twice. Think less about Miyu and concentrate on training." Mumbling quietly to himself, Oikawa agreed with the ace. He was probably very transparent in this respect.

Inner beauty Oikawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now