Chapter 80

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Three years had passed since Miyu had been in Tokyo and had concentrated on her studies. Three years in which she had built up her brand and her company, which had recently been published. Tooru's mother had been a supporter, allowing the brand to be presented in her stores. However, this was the only reason why the two had contact. Because when the brown-haired girl came to talk about Tooru, Miyu had stopped the topic.

What he was doing was clear to her. Tooru was in Argentina as planned, wearing her number 13. Why did Miyu know that? Well, his father wasn't keeping it a secret.

"We'll see you tomorrow." Miyu said goodbye to her work colleagues, who had finished work for the day. It had also started to rain, which was typical at this time of year.

Armed with an umbrella, which she had had since secondary school, Miyu walked back home this time. Due to her work and studies, she hardly had time to get a proper breath of fresh air. That's why she had gotten into the habit of walking every now and then. The fact that it was raining today was not something she had planned for.

Her path led through the park, which was already illuminated at this time of day. The sun, which was behind the clouds, must be about to set.

Because it was already darker due to the clouds, the streetlights had been switched on earlier. It wouldn't have been a problem for Miyu to walk through the park without lights. As much as she had learned here in Tokyo, it was quite safe everywhere. It was only in some alleyways that you had to be careful who was hanging around.

Miyu hummed softly to the rain. The drops made a pleasant sound on her umbrella. Goose bumps spread across her body as Miyu passed a bus stop and remembered a few moments.

Unlike before, Miyu was wearing a long coat, which gave her some warmth. Just like Tooru's jacket had done back then. Her humming had stopped so that Miyu wouldn't remember the pain. Sometimes she missed his voice, his laughter, his whining and even the nicknames he had given her. A silly girl and Piggy. Although silly had the upper hand.

Her gaze now fell to the fountain, which was not active when it rained. Sitting down there on the steps, Miyu recognized a man who must have been there for hours. She could see from a distance that he was completely soaked. Had he lost his job? Had he run away from home?

Miyu bit her lip thoughtfully. It could also be a homeless person or an alcoholic who didn't realize how cold it actually was. It could be far too risky to go there. And yet Miyu didn't want to put down her helping hand. The young woman exhaled softly before continuing her walk.

A young man sat pensively on the stairs, looking at the fountain and hoping to get his mind off things. He didn't know how long he had been sitting here, soaking wet. He had been through a lot, almost a marriage. But there was hardly a feeling in his heart that could persuade him to go on with it all.

He had tried to be who he was for his ex. Tried to live with her. But somehow he wasn't happy with everything he did. His job was actually going very well. But it didn't make him happy in the long run.

His eyes, which radiated tiredness, closed for a moment. He felt how cold he actually was and that he would certainly fall ill. The man exhaled softly as a few raindrops fell from his lips and were blown away.

At that moment, he heard a shielding sound, but he could no longer feel the rain on his body. It must have been an umbrella.

The man sighed gratefully before breathing in automatically. His nose caught a scent that he knew only too well. His mother's perfume, but she hadn't been here. But the scent was completely different and like balm for his heart.

Swallowing softly, he looked at the sneakers before he slowly picked himself up because of the familiar smell and simply took this person in his arms.


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