Vault - Chapter 11

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Lamed makes a serious expression. «Sentinekka» she says. «You are a brave girl, and now I know that you must be conscious about what you will see in the last realm, the Eye of Eden. Are you ready?».

«I am, don't worry» Sentinekka replies with a sweet smile. «If Ojtaro, in the future, will be still in danger... Will you help us...?».

«I will try my best to talk to him or to the only demigoddess that has a well-working head: Aurora knows best, trust me» the Elder reassures her while nodding slowly. Lamed is very elegant, when she moves. She's even calmer than the Prophet of Water. «Now, listen here. The Eden is corrupted in every part, there is no area that isn't burning or dying, but there are fire sources somewhere. They'll help you to keep your energy alive. The journey will last at least two days. Look». The Elder makes a map appear. Its paper is old and a little bit ruined, but strong. It represents the Eye of Eden nowadays.

«Wow...» Sentinekka whispers, amazed. It's a long trip to do, there are three different stages.

The illustration of the Eden is geometric and full of clouds around it, and it was surely made with a good sight and cooperation.

Lamed points at the first area, a place with a gate. «This is the entrance of the first stage, the way that will take you to the second one, obviously. It's not safe, it's full of meteors that fall following a cycle. But there are stones that you can use to protect yourself. The stones that fall are heavy, and they can hurt you easily. When you will reach a small construction similar to a temple, stop there and rest for the first night. The next day, you will go there...».

She then indicates another place. «Exactly there. This is another level. You will probably find someone, in the meanwhile, so prepare yourself. In this area there is a guardian, a Dark Dragon that is supposed to protect the realm from the intruders. It once was Resh's favorite creature, but now... We don't even know anything about him anymore. Do you know how to avoid Dragons?».

«I kinda do» Sentinekka responds with a clever stare. «I'm used to the Krills of the Wastelands. Are they the same as this one?».

«Yes, but this one is more aggressive and can hurt more» Lamed explains. «To avoid this one, you must reach...». She takes another map. This one represents the whole area they're talking about. The Elder points at a weird group of metal that is supposed to be a structure and continues:«This ruin. It will lead you to a tunnel that will take you to a new road connected to this area. The road is like the first one, but there is another Dragon, this time like the others. It's easy to avoid it, you just have to walk in the right paths».

«I see...» Sentinekka comments while Lamed makes the precedent map disappear. «Then I'll enter inside the temple over there...». She points at the third stages and continues her sentence:«And I'll find myself in the last part of the journey...?».

«Perfectly right, little girl» Lamed doesn't hide her pride. «I like people who understand the geography of the Kingdom».

Sentinekka smiles and giggles. «Thank you» she says.

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