Chapter 49

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In the competition field during the Qi training period, everyone in the hall saw a completely different phenomenon. Although Ye Xiaoxiao's formations could be said to be very good among her peers, they could still see it at a glance.

They had seen everything Ye Xiaoxiao did from the beginning, and after she had muddied the scene and returned to the formation, they began to eat leisurely. Compared with the three of them, the others looked a little embarrassed.

Ren Li'an saw his most promising apprentice following those two unreliable ones. Instead of taking advantage of this opportunity to train himself, he was still eating on the sidelines. He was so angry that the veins on his forehead popped out. I believe it. If he were in the second dimension, he would definitely have several tic-tac-toes on his forehead.

Ren Li'an said to Li Qi who was drinking tea leisurely on the side, "Li Qi, your apprentice is really good at playing some tricks."

"Don't say anything, I dare not say anything else, but in this regard My apprentice is really good."

Although Li Qi said this, he was actually almost dying of embarrassment. After all, others said that their apprentice was very good.

She's not like him, that's all I can say, but I can't say anything bad about my apprentice in front of outsiders. It seems that after this competition, it's better to send her to Xiaoyao Peak as soon as possible!

Soon those who were not very high in cultivation were eliminated, and one person from Ye Qingxue's team was also eliminated. Now Ye Qingxue's white clothes are a little messy, and there is some dust on them, making her image not as good as before. Perfect.

Ye Qingxue frowned, looking at the melee in front of her, and then at the teammates around her. Now that most of their spiritual energy had been consumed, they would definitely not be able to hold on for long. Suddenly she seemed to remember something and whispered to Lei Xuan. What.

Then the two quietly left the team and ran to a corner. Ye Qingxue took out the defensive array and put it on the cloth. Then the two sat down on the spot, took out the elixir and began to restore their spiritual power. Their other teammates did not notice the two of them. They left and were quickly eliminated.

After Ye Xiaoxiao saw the actions of Ye Qingxue and Lei Xuan, she sent a message to Xue and them and said, "It seems that not everyone is a fool. You see, someone has found a loophole in the rules."

The two looked towards where Ye Xiaoxiao was pointing, and Xue An said, "Zi Zi, aren't those two Ye Qingxue and Lei Xuan? Their cultivation levels are quite high, why are they so embarrassed? ''

No matter how high your cultivation level is, you can't withstand the siege of a group of people whose cultivation level is not much different. This is called two fists that can't defeat four hands. '

'Oh, it seems that I am still suitable for group fights in the future. "Jin Yi was listening to the sound transmission between the two, and he almost doubted whether what his master taught was correct.

But this idea only flashed through his mind, and was quickly thrown out of his mind. He stopped listening and concentrated on eating his food.

Just as Ye Xiaoxiao and the others chatted for a while, now besides Ye Xiaoxiao and Ye Qingxue, there were twenty people on the field, which meant that five people had to be eliminated.

But others couldn't see Ye Xiaoxiao and the others, only Ye Qingxue and the others. Ye Qingxue and Lei Xuan were never meditating. Ye Qingxue put away the array and soon started fighting with one of the three-person teams.

Seeing that the number of people on the field was almost there, Ye Xiaoxiao put away those things and took out weapons. Lin Yi and Xue An also took out weapons.

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