Chapter 101-110

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Ye Xiaoxiao and Li Chen led the monster to a seemingly hidden valley. This valley was relatively large and they could use it.

Ye Xiaoxiao called out Suiyin, and this time the form that Suiyin appeared was no longer the shape of a lyre that appeared before, but the shape of a flute.

Li Chen also took out his natal sword, which he had never taken out before.

The body of the sword is golden, with two swimming dragons engraved on it, and the hilt is shaped like a dragon's head. Even though its brilliance is not obvious now, you can still see its extraordinaryness at a glance.

Ye Xiaoxiao also saw Li Chen's natal sword. She could tell at a glance that this sword was Li Chen's natal sword, because this sword was full of Li Chen's aura, and it was obvious that it had been cultivated in the Dantian.

But she neither said anything nor asked Li Chen what happened to the sword. After taking a look at it, she stopped looking at it and turned her head to stare at where they came from.

As soon as they saw the three monsters appearing, they started to take action. Ye Xiaoxiao played the flute to make the three monsters fall into hallucinations.

Li Chen was using his ultimate move at the side. Although the two of them cooperated very well, these three monsters were twelfth-level monsters after all. They were existences that even the Martial Kings did not dare to provoke at will. They were still among these three monsters. The men of Warcraft suffered a lot.

They have now killed two monsters, and there is only one monster left, and this monster cannot last long.

Finally, when the monster was about to die, it made a final struggle and chose to self-destruct. Ye Xiaoxiao noticed this, but it was too late to alert Li Chen, who was closer.

Her movements were faster than she thought, and she rushed over to push Li Chen away, but how could Li Chen put her in danger.

In fact, he had already noticed the intention of the monster, but he was confident that he would avoid it at the last moment, but he did not expect that Ye Xiaoxiao would rush to save him.

Apart from the surprise, he was also very scared. He was worried that something would happen to Ye Xiaoxiao, so when Ye Xiaoxiao rushed in front of him, he immediately reached out to catch her and held her in his arms.

The monster also self-destructed, not far away from them, but when it self-destructed, Ye Xiaoxiao and Li Chen stepped on something unknown, which actually triggered a teleportation formation, and they self-destructed here. He teleported away with residual power.

Ye Xiaoxiao and Li Chen fainted at the beginning of the teleportation, because this teleportation formation had been in place for a long time, and because the terrain here had changed to a certain extent, it had become unstable.

The only thought that Li Chen had after he fainted was that he must not let go of Ye Xiaoxiao who was holding him in his arms.

The two of them left because of teleportation, but Xunran didn't know that there was such a thing as teleportation in this world.

All they knew was that when they arrived, what they saw was Ye Xiaoxiao and Li Chen embracing each other as the monster exploded and disappeared together.

In their opinion, these two people were dead due to self-destruction. There is no trace of these two people in this world anymore.

The moment Xunran and the others saw Ye Xiaoxiao and Lichen disappear, Xunlin, Xin Yanxia, ​​Li Man, Jue Yu and Cheng Sheng all burst into tears.

Although the other people didn't cry directly, their eyes were red and tears were still rolling in their eyes, but they just held back and didn't let it fall out.

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