Chapter 16

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What was placed in front of them was a doll that was only the size of a seven or eight-year-old child's arm.

Although its skin was no different from that of a human being and its hair was similar, as soon as they took a look, they would notice that it was very different from other people's puppets.

Most of the puppets made are almost like real people, and the ones that are not so are just more dull.

It's nothing like this puppet, it looks human but not human, but it's still very good-looking.

"Third Senior Brother, look at how this puppet of mine is made. Have you never seen one like this before?"

"Indeed, puppets are made to look more like people, the better. You have never seen one like this before. Does it have any special meaning?" Senior Brother asked.

The second senior brother said before she could answer the senior brother's question, "Will a puppet like you be useful? Don't take it out and find it useless at all. Then it will be a joke."

After saying this, it still seemed like Thinking of something funny, I couldn't hide the smile on my lips.

"This is an imaginary character that does not exist in life. Fictional characters like this are called two-dimensional characters. There are also some other two-dimensional things. I will make them in the future and show them to you. Second Senior Brother, But let me tell you, when my cultivation improves, the puppet I make will definitely be able to move and talk."

"Okay, Xiaoxiao is the most powerful, so the puppet I make will be the best, okay? Did Xiaoxiao come up with this second dimension by herself?"

She felt a little aggrieved when she heard the second senior brother's coaxing tone and words, but she had no way to refute it, even if her soul She is an adult, but her body is indeed that of a child.

There is no doubt about this.

Her previous attempts to refute were in vain.

This time she simply stopped refuting and just glanced at the second senior brother angrily.

"Xiao Xiao didn't come up with this second dimension. It was told to Xiao Xiao by an old man when Xiao Xiao was still in the mortal world. He told a lot of things. What he said was very interesting."

She deliberately used the word "Xiao Xiao".

She said in an innocent tone.

Fortunately, she had thought that someone would ask her this before, so she thought of an excuse in advance.

She couldn't just tell them that these were the culture of another world!

But the one who was really shocked was her three senior brothers.

The three of them spoke silently through sound transmission.

The senior brother sent a message to the other two junior brothers and said, "Okay, let's not think about these things for now. Xiaoxiao knows more things and it will be of certain benefit to her. We can discuss it after Xiaoxiao leaves."

The two heard the senior brother's words. The news transmissions are no longer private.

The four of them continued chatting for a while before returning to their cave.

But her three senior brothers were sitting together with solemn expressions.

In the end, the second senior brother spoke first, "I didn't expect that there are still many things in this world that we don't know. It seems that I need to go out and practice."

"Oh, I That's what I thought, why don't we go out together?"

"You've all left, and I want to go out to practice. What about the Weapon Refining Peak?"

"You don't have to go out. You can go out to practice after we come back, okay?"

After the senior brother finished speaking, the second senior brother also nodded.

After thinking about it, the third senior brother thought it was okay and said, "Then you go ahead. I will make the puppets on the peak first. How long will you practice?"

"Don't worry, we will definitely come back before the sect competition in five years."

"As long as you know it well,"

Ye Xiaoxiao didn't know that because of her words, the three senior brothers wanted to go out to practice.

Although the third senior brother didn't go out, they still had to seize the time to refine the puppet.

She is currently checking the tasks on her phone in the cave.

When I saw the mission on my phone, I had a feeling that this was indeed the case.

It seemed like I had to focus on my cultivation from now on.

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